Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Fight For England, by Albert Burgess.

I have no idea how much longer I have to carry this fight forward, I was due to have an operation on my knee this was cancelled because my blood pressure is dangerously high, I am apparently likely to have a heart attack or stroke on the table. Quite possibly off it as well. Should the worst happen I do not want the conspiracy theorists claiming I am a victim of government dirty tricks, if anything I am a victim of a very stressful life.
So let me make something crystal clear as long as I am able I will not stop fighting for the country of my birth England. You note I say England not Britain, this is because the traitors in Westminster are largely not English. We have the Scots, Welsh, and Irish whose future in the EU Super state is assured, it is only England which will be broken up into EU Regions. Take out the deviant perverts, Scots, Irish, Welsh and communist Eastern Europeans from parliament and most of government and opposition will go. I cannot bring myself to say Her Majesty's loyal opposition, for you would be hard put to find even a trace element of loyalty in Westminster.

The simple fact is Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ride on the back of England, during the world wars 80% of the dead were English, today 80 % of the tax revenue of the UK is raised in England. Half the world use English laws in principle at least. So the most important fight we have is for England and the English.

It is in the best long term interests of the Scots, Welsh and Irish to fight this fight with us, once England has gone the others will not last long.

So what other problems do we face? The main problem as I see it is a lot of very good people are being led astray by the FMOTL movement, these are people who we need to use to maximum effect, that is not happening. Instead the FMOTL movement have these good people refusing to answer the questions police officers ask them on the spurious and totally wrong idea that statute law is not law, and that to answer the questions is to contract with the police who will then own you and can do anything they like with you, in my days walking a beat I stopped a few cars with some pretty beautiful women in that I would not have minded owning for a couple of hours. But it does not work like that. They are refusing to pay council tax, on the ground it is (a) not a lawful tax, or that it is paying for illegal wars both are pure unadulterated nonsense. Instead of good people being used to maximum effect in the fight for England's survival they are being lined up as casualties in order that a lot of rabble rousing can occur. A good lie should always contain an element of truth, so these FMOTL land gurus always pick something with an element of truth to start with, most of them are showmen. They are good on stage they sound plausible and impart so much dodgy information so quickly that only bits are properly assimilated and most of them dangerous rubbish.

Now there are some good things people could be involved in like child stealing by the state, entirely due to the fact Anthony Lynton Blair gave targets to social services and linked those to the money they were given, the tendency of the police and the courts to believe social services has not helped matters. Fraudulent theft of peoples property by bent banks and solicitors. The lack of police action on things like paedophilia. And of course they could join me to fight directly against treason at the highest levels of government. If we win that one the rest will vanish.   
Albert Burgess.

And his excellent and inexpensive book, A Layman's Guide to the English Constitution.  The perfect Christmas present!


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