Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sharia Court Jails Australian Gang Rape Victim p2

Young Westerners Be Warned!
Holding Hands or a Kiss on The Cheek in this Looney Bin can land you in Jail.

Sharia Court Jails Australian Gang Rape Victim p1

Young Westerners Be Warned!
Holding Hands or a Kiss on The Cheek in this Looney Bin can land you in Jail.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Of course it does, English Law is to be replaced by Communitarian Law, it is happening now.
Have you ever heard of Amitai Etzioni or Henry Tam?

The 'Common Purpose' of the EU - is communitarianism.
There is no argument about this, it is, it says it is and EU law is communitarian law. 
Modern communitarianism is the brain child of Amitai Etzioni  AKA Werner Falk, an Israeli-American dual passport holder, born in Cologne, Germany, who taught at Colombia University, and now advises the American Gov. and is guru to Obama.
Where did he come up with his theories?  Probably here, so this gives us an idea, a big clue, as to what is going on across Europe

"In 1980 he (Amitai Etzioni) was named the first University Professor at The George Washington University,[6] where he currently serves as the director of the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies. In 1989 Etzioni founded the Society for the Advancement of Socio-economics (SASE), an international, interdisciplinary organization, and served as its first President. He also held a faculty position at Harvard Business School from 1987 to 1990 serving as the Thomas Henry Carroll Ford Foundation Professor. He served as the president of the American Sociological Association in 1995.
Etzioni is known for his work on socioeconomics and communitarianism, and leads the Communitarian Network, a non-profit, non-partisan organization which is dedicated to support the moral, social and political foundations of society. He was the founder of the communitarian movement in the early 1990s and established the Communitarian Network to disseminate the movement’s ideas. His writings emphasize the importance for all societies of a carefully crafted balance between rights and responsibilities and between autonomy and order.
In 2001, Etzioni was named among the top 100 American intellectuals, as measured by academic citations, in Richard Posner's book, Public Intellectuals: A Study of Decline.[7]"
Etzioni was mentor to Hong Kong-born Henry Tam who is the man who devised our community system which is the replacement for the UK's Public Sector which is being taken over by Third Sector set-ups and referred to as 'Civil Society.' During the 90's and early 2000's, Tam pushed the Community Sector through here (it's partly based on Chinese Communism). Unelected, but one of the most powerful men in Whitehall, Oxford-educated Tam has 'changed' Britain (as well as America through his "Change" campaign that got Obama elected) but he could never have done this alone.

He has written books about communitarianism, just as his mentor Etzioni has, and he lectures students both in the UK and in Europe on communitarianism.
"The main purpose for a communitarian system is to protect the economic interests of a small group of corporate elites who aim to control the global market. Communitarians suggest "ideas" for eliminating American laws that have been identified as barriers to global expansionism and a new form of nicer slavery. (The entire Bill of Rights is an "identified barrier.") Communitarians, not the Arabs, are the people who most "hate our freedoms." Their emptied brains never challenge the core communitarian idea that freedom for individuals is passe.
Communitarianism is a political system that seizes all property and people for the "good of the community." The theory is not part of the first two components of a dialectical conflict, it is the final solution to every conflict. It's neither capitalist nor communist. It's neither right nor left. It's always somewhere vaguely in the "middle," smugly posing an innovative solution to every two or more opposing ideologies. Communitarianism is the basis for every new science, law, theory, program, policy, war, and agenda that finds a purpose for balancing individual rights against the rights of the "global-to-local community."
American education teaches only the "official version" of communitarian theory, values, and Global Supremacy. Many corporations and colleges certify their brightest students in communitarian facilitator and management skills. It's as if it's so perfect and brilliant it creates no worthy opposition. In fact, the final communitarian solution to the Marxist dialectic is supposed to be so perfect it gives rise to no opposition. That's why the ACL Manifesto begins with a short note explaining why our ACL Hegel page "cannot exist."
While most of the American population remains buried in dialectical opposition to themselves, the communitarian agenda marches by largely unnoticed. Our website seems to attract the folks who are looking past the Looking Glass, they've quit following the rabbit down the hole. They can see past propaganda even if they start out like we did, by looking at the emerging agenda with eyes wide open, and wondering why the heck they never heard of any of this before. We are humbled by the number of people who have found some answers at the ACL."
© 2006 Niki Raapana- All Rights Reserved

Niki Raapana is the co-founder of the Anti-Communitarian League (ACL), an online research center for studying outside the box.  Niki is also the recent author of the non-fiction biography, 2020.
2020: Our Common Destiny/The Anti Communitarian Manifesto by Niki Raapana & Nordica Friedrich
Unlike the ACL website (which is a massive endeavour) 2020 introduces the global community government in 100-pages using laymen's terms for average readers.     
Funny how this communitarian/civil society stuff never gets discussed on Radio 4, Newsnight or Panorama, etc?  All they discuss are the ongoing 'cuts in public spending' that we have all foolishly accepted as being necessary because we have been told they are! The 'cuts' are the trojan horse.
These 'cuts' are a total lie because the money that should be being spent in the public sector on hospitals, surgeries, university education, schools, roads, elderly care, disabled care, social services, the police, armed forces, parks and gardens, street lights, bin emptying, street cleaning, etc. etc. etc.  is actually being diverted into the new Third Sector and to build Civil Society. 
Oh, and BTW, Civil Society is different from the old Public Sector it replaces because it is not covered by the Freedom of information Act 2000 and accountable to the British public!  Unlike the Public sector which the FOI Act was designed for, we can't see, find out, work out, or do anything about the 3rd Sector, and the unelected stakeholders and their shenanigans in Civil Society!!!


Thursday, September 18, 2014

DEE WHITE or WHITE DEE, our latest celebrity?


Apparently, this woman DEE WHITE, or WHITE DEE is now a UK celebrity, and she is perceived as being a really ‘nice person’?  Look at all the British dimwits in this chatroom waffling on about 'how lovely' she is – with a few sensible exceptions!

Twinsetbeck, “According to the press, Dee stole £13,000 that vulnerable people had given their social workers to look after for them.  She was an admin assistant and was only caught in an internal audit.  She was sacked, prosecuted and only escaped jail because her children would have ended up in care.  She had to do a lot of community service.  The excuse about funding her partners crack habit doesn't really make it any better does it?  The poor kids had to live in the middle of all that.”

Ifuknow, “A nice person doesn't steal cash from vulnerable people.  From what I remember of Benefits Street she was on a mission to get a diagnosis of depression when the rules were changed and she was in danger of having to get off her fat lazy arse and find work.  She told her daughter that work was for mugs when you were better off on the dole.
She wasn't intelligent enough not to get involved with a drug addict in the first place. I don't see why that excuses her for being a common thief.
The fact that White Dee is now a 'celebrity' sums up why this country is going to the dogs.”

And DEE, white or otherwise, is not her real name either.  She is actually called Deidre Kelly, so what is the 'Dee White' bit all about? - Deceitful from beginning to end! 
Are we a nation of mugs? I think we are!

A united front... Before she entered the CBB house a smitten White Dee was spotted out and about with her DJ boyfriend

Dee, and her unsuspecting lunch.

The fact that this woman has been prosecuted in court for stealing vulnerable people's savings plus her aggressive, intolerant attitude and behaviour towards fellow competitor Gary Busey cause me to wonder if she is actually a disabilist person, someone with a hatred of the disabled? 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Kingdom of Heaven

"Balian of Ibelin: [To the people of Jerusalem] It has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem, and we have made our preparations as well as they can be made. 
None of us took this city from Muslims. 
No Muslim of the great army now coming against us was born when this city was lost. 
We fight over an offence we did not give, against those who were not alive to be offended. 
What is Jerusalem? 
Your holy palaces lie over the Jewish temple that the Romans pulled down. 
The Muslim places of worship lie over yours. 
Which is more holy?
Balian of Ibelin: The wall? The Mosque? The Sepulchre? 
Who has claim? 
No-one has claim.
[raises his voice]
Balian of Ibelin: All have claim!
Bishop, Patriarch of Jerusalem: Blasphemy!
Almaric: [to the Patriarch] Be quiet.
Balian of Ibelin: We defend this city, not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls."

"If this is the Kingdom of Heaven, let God do with it as he will."
Ironically, the real Kingdom of Heaven is not Jerusalem but the peaceful land the hero returns to. 
The real Kingdom of Heaven would be our whole world when, if ever, it is at peace with itself.

"Don't make me come down there." - God (billboard)

Kingdom of Heaven

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Nature Of The Beast - An Investigation Into Common Purpose (Full Ver...

Churchill Banknote Travesty

(but not his own blood, toil, tears and sweat - just everyone else's!!!!)

Sir Mervyn King (twat) announced in April 2013 that the ghastly turd that was zionist Sir Winston Churchill, will replace the fabulous Christian social reformer Elizabeth Fry on the face of the new UK five pound notes from 2016.

Whose feckin stupid idea is this?
Is this a feckin joke? No, sadly it is not!

Do a search on Google or Yahoo about 'Winston Churchill and banknotes' and it is TRULY amazing to see how many deluded, idiotic, pig-ignorant people actually, TRULY believe the total B.S.the repulsive propaganda concerning this Churchill-bloke - this depraved, sick monster from hell, this downright mass-murderous traitor to the British people and her allies. The thought of this wicked, demonic Churchill arsehole being on any banknote is an outright obscenity! He, as Lord of the Admiralty, practically single-handedly brought America into the 1st WW by his "secret" messages to British merchant sea captains to deliberately ram German Uboats! (One of these captains slipped a copy of this message to the Germans, he was so absolutely disgusted by it!!!) Until this time, the German Gov. had a strict policy of not attacking merchant shipping and passenger liners. Why? Can you believe that the Germans actually believed that the British Government was full of decent "gentlemen" who believed in fair play and were honest and respectable!! The poor Germans could not have been more wrong! Sad, deluded things! By instructing British sea captains of ocean-going liners to attack german Uboats Churchill ensured that the Lusitania sinking happened. It was due entirely to his recklesss provocation which, in fairness, a few others in the British Gov. did, at that time, oppose. See:- and

BTW, this 'hero' Churchill started WW2, not Hitler! He also managed to make an absolute fortune for himself (and his zionist banker mates) from both world wars! And throughout WW2, this sicko's weekly bill for booze, prostitutes (male) and gambling was more than an average working class man's annual income!! WHAT A HERO, eh? Shaggin, boozin and gambling while people died in their thousands around the world as the months went by!!!

I would rather see the Kray Twins or the Great Train Robbers on a banknote than this repulsive devil incarnate.
Are we all completely insane, here in the UK?
Yes, we bloody are!
Here's a start, read this and learn.....