Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sharia Traitor to Britain - David Cameron

Of  Dopes, Traitors And Dunces……

Guy Leven-Torres

24th October 2013

David Cameron has agreed to make student loans and finance sharia compliant. He also stated he intends to make “Start Up” loans for business sharia compliant. So let us state clearly what this means….
There are supposedly 63,000,000 population in this country, of which perhaps “officially” just 3% of the same are followers of the pagan desert godlet. Then we are informed that 80% of all slaughtered meat in the UK conforms to ritual halal butchery, in which the beast is hung alive from a gantry and its throat cut under a pagan ritual prayer of sacrifice and the doomed alive animal struggles in agony, as its blood drains away onto the abattoir floor.


Then we have “sharia compliant” hate laws, that treat native Britons as inferior “citizens” in law, while the pagan godlet’s followers are given special treatment, if indeed they are prosecuted at all except for the most heinous offences. While these sharia laws are aimed at a religion composed of 73-78 sects, the members of its Ummah are treated as a “race”. Recently Dr Alan Clifford, a Norfolk pastor was nearly prosecuted for contravening sharia law.


Damaging the Koran is an imprisonable offence in the UK. It must be kept higher than any other book in a public library. The Bible can be abused at will.


Whether, one likes to deny the obvious, we do in fact now live under a UK wide sharia system. I was once a lawyer that studied Common Law and I assure you the above is an undeniable fact- UK’s legal system is not becoming sharia compliant but is already fully sharia, as the wicked announcements of Cameron makes clear.


In short the “British” are dhimmi. The land is no longer theirs and Christian. This applies to other believers too, if they be Hindu, Sikh or Jewish. All are dhimmi living under sharia and an Islamised-politicised Police “service”, tasked to enforce the same. Britain is a de facto Islamic state right now.

Many of you may regard my statements as “extreme”, “insane”, “Islamophobic” or whatever you deem me to be. I say again, having examined the above situation using my extensive knowledge in such matters, the conclusions are clear.
The UK is applying through Baroness Warsi for “Observer Status” at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. In Diplomatic language and nuances, this is in preparation for full membership at some time in the future, when this country and probably all of Europe becomes an integral part of Dar al Islam, or “House of Allah”….
I deal in Truth and fact not delusion as people know. I also believe that the “political class”, for whatever deranged reasons they have, fully intend this to happen and I think it has much to do with their sexual proclivities, that have left them open to possible blackmail and various sexual indiscretions involving their pasts.
Tony Blair was known as “Miranda” within his party, so you have strong clues why they are reluctant to expose themselves to public disgrace. The fact they would prefer to hide their behaviour and sell out their own Electorates, shows clearly the types of creatures they are.
I am well read in how societies change through the influences of foreign interactions. Take the Medieval world of Europe, that in the 7th Century was recovering from the collapse of the Roman Empire. Indeed, there is a mainstream revision of the so called “collapse” of the West- It didn’t but instead thrived as the “barbarians” Romanised and swore allegiance to the Eastern Roman imperium.
Then arrived “Islam”- a terrifying scourge, if there ever were one- especially so to a civilised Christendom. Interaction between the Roman Christian world and the savagery of the Arabs changed much in the West.
Roman civilisation “barbarised” and became increasingly cruel ignorant and corrupt, with petty officials acting in much the same way, as we see their modern equivalent do so today, under the very same savage barbarism- as were Roman laws but especially the once enlightened Church. Torture, a rarity in the 7th Century, became once more in vogue as a direct consequence.
Society “Islamised” in much the same way ours are today. Standards of official probity- Christian probity and tolerance descended into something more akin to the empire’s enemies- in a desperate defence of the surviving “Romanita”, against a brutal all conquering, pitiless Islamic imperialist advance. From this arose the Crusades, a logical and timely defence against the encroaching hordes…..
And this time our “political class” are doing it on purpose…
Like everything else corrupted by this same- the Police, politics, judiciary, the Church and Finance, the reality population census and the facts above speak for themselves- We are becoming Moslems. I posit a Moslem populace in the UK of around 8,000,000, with a population of around 78,000,000.
As “Arfur Daley” would say “A nice little earner Terry!” to sell out his own kind…..It’s called High Treason…..A high Capital crime against the British State and people. The Romans called the same maiestas.
The Roman authorities sowed the traitor in a sack with a snake and cockerel and threw them into Father Tiber or off the Tarpeian Rock.

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