Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Angry Truck Driver vs Migrants at Calais (Eng subtitles)

Pro-Rape Facebook, Time to Boycott it!

Time to Boycott Facebook
February 29, 2016

Recently, a 16-Year-old German Girl by the name of 'Bibi Wilhailm' uploaded a video on YouTube and Facebook entitled: "Ihr macht Deutschland kaputt!" [You are Killing Germany!] a plea for help from the onslaught of Muslim Immigration.

The video, directed towards German Chancellor Angela Merkel was IMMEDIATELY CENSORED, REMOVED and BANNED by Mark Zuckerberg under Facebook's NEW "Hate Speech Policy" within their recently amended Terms of Service (TOS), which forbids any negative speech or portrayal [sic] towards Islam and/or Muslims. Subsequently, the 16-Year-old Ms. Bibi Wilhailm's Facebook Account was REMOVED and BLOCKED by Facebook...simply because she spoke the TRUTH...She remains BANNED to this day...

The essence of the NWO tyranny is the imposition of the satanic Masonic Jewish agenda by people like Mark Zuckerberg. Thus they monopolize information, perception and discourse. Because they always have an idealistic pretext to gull the masses, they can accuse anyone who resists their hateful tyranny of being "haters." 

by Jules Falcone

This is my Final Post as I no longer support the Pro-Rape site that is Facebook

Recently on YouTube, a 16-year-old German girl told how Facebook suspended her account because she posted a video about women being raped on the streets of Germany. 

Where are the European men you ask? They long ago bought into Multiculturalism and it's cohort Feminism. Feminism is here to destroy anything that is female. 

Feminism at its core hates the feminine: woman, girl and baby.  Feminism is Anti-Woman. 

Where are the Jane Fonda's, the Gloria Steinem's, the Rhonda Rousey's, the Amy Schumer's, the Whoopee Goldberg's, the Lena Dunham's? All these traitors ride the wave of feminine support; all these traitors go out of their way to propitiate the myth that men are the cause of all the problems in the world. 

THERE IS NO RAPE CULTURE IN THE UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA. There is the exact definition of a rape culture plaguing Europe right now. 

Where are the Feminists speaking out against this? What is Feminism that they don't even speak out against the atrocities that are going on in Europe now? What does it say about these pseudo-women who get up on their high horse every chance they get to bash men and "promote" women and they say nothing of the proliferation of rape throughout Europe?

Feminism is a fraud. Women who state they are feminists are frauds. Women who passionately wear their feminism on their sleeves are traitors to their own gender and by extension the human race. 

Another topic close to feminists heart is abortion. I'll simply state the majority of babies that are aborted are female. Someone who was actually Pro-Woman would try to figure out how as a species we can have less abortions instead of shaking their fist in the air screaming all the while how they have the right to abortions.

Have we men had enough? I know I have: I'm saying collectively; as a group, have we had enough? Feminism hasn't worked. Men are impeccable at some things; women are impeccable at some things. We come together in co-operation because it's better for the both of us. 

Men and women complement each other. Feminism has brainwashed women to go against their nature. Women and young girls, babies, and the unborn are looking to us to be real men. They need us to lead the way. It is not Fonda's, Steinem's, Rousey's, Schumer's, Goldberg's, Dunham's fault. It is our fault. We are men. And we collectively failed them. 

In the 60's Feminism tricked women to think casual sex was empowering. We men took the sex and all the lies that went with it. We accepted sex on their terms. We gave up our power. We stopped being the leaders. 

Because we men have not done an impeccable job leading, Third World Migrants are running through the streets of Europe raping multiple women every day and no end is in sight.

It is time for men to step up. It is time for men to be men. It is time to be a real man; that by the very nature of his existence, is exactly what women want. 

Facebook has agreed to work with the traitorous German government to block all speech that sheds light on the Rape epidemic that is going on in Germany. It is my wish that any man reading this joins together with me on this, spreads the word and makes this his last post on Facebook

Let's stand up and be men. Let's be something that all the women of the world can be proud of. Let's say "Yes" to our true nature. Let's be the Leaders that women and girls are looking for us to be. Let's drive this Fascist Corporation into the ground. Let's make this our first step to ending tyranny and freeing the human race from it's shackles. Let's not let the current victims of this epidemic suffer in vain. If it was my daughter, I would no longer post on Facebook. What kind of man would I be if I'm ok with posting on Facebook because it's other people's daughters who are being raped.

I'm not leaving the women of the world out. I love Women. I love Daughters, I love Mothers, I love Babies. And plenty of women know that Feminism sold them out a long time ago. All Humanity is in this together. I know that women want to follow their inherent nature and stand by their man.

In closing I have the utmost Love and Respect for the unsung heroes of this world. The young girl who wants to grow up to be a wife and mother. The stay at home mom who is constantly bombarded from the media that she made the wrong choice. I have Love and Respect for all women but stay-at-home moms, and young girls who just want to grow up and be the best mother and wife they can be have been attacked more by Feminism than Feminism's non-stop vitriol toward men. I love all people. I love feminists. It's not their fault guys, they have been misled. We need to forgive. We need to love. We need to be good to each other. Praise God.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Gaslighted by Modern Art.

Celebrating 100 Years of Being Gaslighted by Modern Art. 

A urinal which Marcel Duchamp titled Fountain and signed "R. Mutt". It  is regarded by the art establishment as a major landmark in modern art. Replicas commissioned by Duchamp in the 1960s are now on display in a number of different museums around the world.


Karla Blacks suspended paper and plastic sheeting, called Pleaser.  Black was shortlisted for the prestigeous Turner Prize in 2011.

The niece of a friend of mine was a brilliant and gifted young artist. She won a scholarship to one of the world's most prestigious art schools - where she presented a portfolio of her stunning drawings and watercolours. By the time she graduated, she had not picked up a brush or pencil in over a year and was stapling bird feathers to an old shipping pallet as her graduation work. She now works as a receptionist at a dental clinic.

The term "Gaslighting" is used to describe how a psychopath in a personal relationship with another person will slowly over time change the reality and perceptions of the individual they are targeting. A proficient psychopath will, in time, have a once perfectly stable and emotionally healthy person literally believing that black is white and up is down. Essentially, the psychology of the target has been altered in a way to accept what they see before their own eyes - is not what they once believed it to be.

One of the most effective forms of public gaslighting has been modern art.  As a rule, I do not like to put down other artists work. But there seems to be almost a secret cabal between public bodies, art colleges, some artists and exhibition spaces/managers to fill these spaces with shock art or art which is as uninspiring as possible. The vast majority of public and corporate funding goes into promoting these forms of art - while gifted talented traditional artists have to beg private galleries to stock their work with commissions up to 50% on the sale price not uncommon.

I came upon one installation recently which was an old telephone on a table with a present day directory beside it. From the telephone there was a wire extending up to a glass box on the wall - which contained a life sized sculpture of the human ear made of the artist's own ear wax. I see this kind of thing is everywhere in public art spaces now - in fact, I can hardly recall a time when this sort of art did not fill public art spaces. Such "modern" art - from around the time of DaDa movement on - still continues to win all the art awards and the artists proclaimed as geniuses right to the present day. No other art movement in history has survived for so long.

The rationale used to defend this degradation of art is; that all expression should be free and unlimited. That the "concept" behind the work is more important than the artwork itself. Highly paid members of art councils, college professors and media will invoke "freedom of expression" and pontificate about the Nazis and the concepts of degenerate arts and "what it led too..." The irony being, that the greatest censorship in the art world today is by these same individuals against more traditional artistic expressions in terms of painting, drawing and sculpture.

As with everything on this face of this planet which makes no sense to most humans, there is always a underlying psychopathic rationale/drive for how this situation has come about. In this case, the degradation of the aesthetic, along with our notions of emotional resonance when viewing artwork - is being used to make corporate advertising more appealing. 

The powers that be are gaslighting the rest of us by changing our perceptions - so corporate advertising looks more beautiful and uplifting than the art inside the galleries. When people visit spaces such as the Tate Modern in London to have their consciousness perverted, twisted and distorted into a mundane cul-de-sac of spiritually and emotionally vapid installations - they will come outside and see colourful advertisements. The psychological impact of the advertisement is then far more powerful on the viewer. Charles Saatchi of the global advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi,  is also known worldwide as an art collector and owner of the Saatchi Gallery, and in particular for his sponsorship of the Young British Artists (YBAs), including Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin.
Thomas Sheridan is an independent alternative artist, author, satirist, musician, public speaker, broadcaster and researcher currently based in the West of Ireland. His illustrations have appeared on the covers of newsstand magazines, books and websites worldwide. 

The Anvil of the Psyche is considered a vital manual for personal and social survival in a world controlled by greed and false hopes. Thomas' writings and interviews have evolutionised people to build a firewall around their own psyche and not to be lured into handing over personal independence to an exterior collective or guru. As a result, his NO CONTACT EVER AGAIN philosophy applied to controlling individuals and groups has made Thomas an enemy of mind-controlled death cults and neo-Nazi fringe groups.  Thomas has also been featured in several films and documentaries. 
Posted by Thomas Sheridan

University: A Death Cult for the Middle Classes?

Top universities are just like cults when you think about it. 

The students think they have 'special knowledge' others do not have for being within the institution. There are all kinds of sensory deprivation rituals, such as gruelling exam studies, hazing and behavioural controls via extreme political correctness to the use of cult-like buzz phrases such as 'microagressions' and chanting. The 'elders' are the Professors who are the high priest class, who will only give you their 'approval' if you question nothing and do only what they tell you to do. There is the buffer of 'Campus Jesuits' called Fraternities who police the lesser adepts for the benefit of the Elder Professor Class. You can only read what they tell you to read and think only what they tell you to think. You are denied a meaningful love life and stable intimacy with someone you can trust, and your friendships are all with people exclusively within the same campus social circle. Diets are limited and proving your worth and unconditional devotion is EVERYTHING. You are isolated from your old social networks and family. You even have hymns and special vestments devoted to the glory of the institution and you consider yourself an 'elite' for doing everything you are told to do and questioning nothing. 

By the time you realise it is a huge scam, you have invested so much of your life into obtaining a degree that you 'just can't' walk away only to live with the guilt and shame of not being one the 'special adepts' with the stupid hat and gown. Finally, they take all your money and you never recover financially.

How is that different from a cult?

In the USA, I always found it amazing that working class people were not supposed to be well read. They were to conform to a stereotype of being a 'working stiff' who merely watches baseball on TV and drinks something called 'Lite' beer. 

In the Ireland I grew up in, working class people devoured books. There was no contradiction. It was only when I realised what big business 'education' actually is, that I understood why these stereotypes from Lisa Simpson to Roseanne were almost ruthlessly enforced within the American cognition. This mentality is everywhere now.

You had to go to college in order to 'read books' in the USA, and back then I used to come across Americans who were literally spellbound when they saw me holding a copy of a Tennessee Williams or Lovecraft novel on my lunch break working as a house painter. 

I recall one Harvard gentleman being literally offended that I knew more about just about everything than he did because I was wearing painter's overalls for a week in his house in Forest Hills. By the Friday, he was literally ready to hurl me out the door when when I started talking about the DaDaists with his daughter. He was terrified I was going to ask her out on a date. It was all about no crossing over of social status and that meant who pays for education and who does not. I did get my credentials in graphic design later, but as a night student paying out of my own pocket. My one year as a real college student destroying my love for Electronic Engineering put me off for life.

Listen to this discussion between myself and James Corbett on Joyce the other day. James did his thesis on Joyce at Trinity in Dublin at the same time I was there reading Joyce in the park during my lunch break. Yet there was no sense I was less knowledgeable about the subject. I just did not pay for it and get a piece of paper and a stupid hat and gown at the end of the ordeal.

Knowledge is Everywhere

That is the biggest misconception and scam of all. Having people believe they need to pay huge sums of money to get an education. If you can read and stay away from drink, weed and TV, you will learn much with books and sexy women will fancy you for it. The ideal solution is to go to trade school or tech and then do the 'academic' stuff as a hobby in your free time. You'll have a much easier and less painful life and you'll beat the banks too.