Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Saturday, May 31, 2014

MODE 4. The Secret Immigration Policy. More EU Wrecking In Britain.

The secret immigration policy they tried to hide,  by Linda Kaucher

While political reporters for the most part ignore the EU, British domestic policy is actually formulated to fit not just with internal EU directives, but, importantly, with the EU's external international trade agenda.
This broader policy affects people's lives here, particularly their employment and that of their children and grandchildren in the future. Yet information on this broader picture, the parts of EU trade policy that will affect people most, is kept from them.
A very relevant and major feature of EU trade policy is the concession that allows transnational corporations to bring workers into the EU. In tradespeak this is called 'Mode 4'.

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) defines four modes for cross-border trade in services: via internet (Mode 1); where the customer crosses borders e.g. tourism and the international student market (Mode 2); where a company establishes in another country (Mode 3); and by moving workers across borders (Mode 4).

Moving workers from a lower to a higher socio-economic country is a very profitable business for the transnational corporations that are in a position to benefit, on a par with moving production and service work to cheaper labour areas of the world.
With the WTO Doha deal apparently abandoned, the EU has been negotiating a set of bilateral and regional trade deals with much of the world. These deals are more secretive than WTO negotiations, with the contents of negotiations kept private until those negotiations are completed.
But investigative work has revealed the urgency of the situation.

The EU is including Mode 4 concessions in all of the deals it is currently negotiating. In fact Mode 4 is the carrot, to obtain, in exchange, investment opportunity access into trading partner countries for transnational financial services corporations, which are for the most part based in London.

Actually these corporations benefit from both sides of the deals. They get the investment opportunities but also cheap labour brought in, and, as this 'reserve army of labour' undermines the power of organised labour, strengthening the power of capital in its balance of power with labour.

Although these are EU deals, the UK is the main and willing target for the Mode 4 concessions. Thus it is UK workers who will pay the price.

A very important trade deal in this regard is the EU/India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that has been under negotiation for four years. It has been discovered that Mode 4 concessions are the one thing that the Indian government is demanding. In addition, leaked documentation shows that the liberalised UK will be taking the bulk of the EU's Mode 4 commitment.
In fact Trade Commission staff have admitted that the EU/India FTA is, in effect , 85% a UK deal. That's the percentage of the gains which will accrue to the UK (well, the international financial firms based in London, anyway) while the UK (UK workers, this time) will get that percentage of the pain.

Financial services investment opportunities overseas will not produce jobs here. But workers will be displaced via Mode 4, especially in a time of cuts. Transnational firms will be able to offer cheap onshore outsourcing, using cheaper temporary migrant labour and will also be able to supply labour into other firms allowing them to offload all employer responsibilities.
Within the supposedly 'capped' UK points based system for labour migration, the government has ensured that the categories relevant to trade commitments have no numerical limits. There are no such limits on the 'intra-corporate transferees (ICTs) category in Tier 2 or on the 'international agreements' category in Tier 5. Neither is there any resident labour market test, which would stipulate that jobs have to be offered here first.

In fact both these restrictions are disallowed at the international trade level in respect of Mode 4.
Under the current points based system, skilled workers are currently being brought in and paid the minimum wage, which is then made up to a low industry norm with tax-free expenses and with no national insurance payable. Thus the UK government is even now encouraging the use of a cheap labour supply that not only displaces workers here but also damages the national economy in a variety of ways. Wages are repatriated overseas, the earn/spend cycle needed for recovery is broken, workers become unemployed and the welfare bill increases, the employment future for young people is further curtailed, and skills transfer are lost for the future.

As trade agreements, with Mode 4 included, are committed to hard international trade law, they become effectively permanent. This is why this handing of control of UK labour migration to transnational corporations will affect not only present but future generations. Any attempt by any future government to pull back on these commitments will potentially invoke corporate legal action to recover all anticipated profits that may be negatively affected by the government action.
International financial services corporations based in London are proactive in directing UK input to EU trade policy via their lobbying mechanism 'thecityuk' and in Brussels through the European Services Forum, the mechanism that influences EU institutions directly.

'Thecityuk' is made up of International Financial Services London (IFSL) and the Corporation of London and the UK Trade and Industry (UKTI) section of the Business, Innovation and Skills Department is closely connected. 'Thecityuk''s secretive Liberalisation of Trade in Services (LOTIS) Committee ensures that UKTI bureaucrats take financial services' own directives into EU trade policy like carrier pigeons. And UK governments ensure that domestic regulation is formulated to fit with this.
The Labour party has not told the UK public about this EU/India agreement and the centrality of the Mode 4 concessions even though Peter Mandelson initiated all the current agreements. Neither has the Conservative/Liberal coalition, even when David Cameron and Vince Cable led a specific 'trade' delegation to India in 2010. Greens MP Caroline Lucas spent years as an MEP and a member of the European parliament's International Trade Committee (INTA) but has declined to warn UK workers what they are being signed up to, and similarly Ukip, which has two members on the INTA but actually supports the concept of temporary labour from outside the EU being brought in by transnational corporations.

The House of Commons select committee tasked with overseeing the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills has failed to bring the Department's role in moving workers into the country into focus and has accepted the silence of the secretary of state, Cable, on this.

Who will tell the UK public about these irreversible commitments on their behalf?

There is a small light at the end of the tunnel. The Railways, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union is going to argue to the TUC's September Congress that it should campaign to alert the UK public to the implications of the EU/India trade deal and of Mode 4. Yet, as the TUC has so far been part of the cover-up, it remains to be seen first if this motion is passed, and then what the TUC does with it. (if anything?!)

Linda Kaucher is a researcher on international trade. With Masters degrees in Journalism and in Human Geography, from Australia and the London School of Economics, and a broad background as an educator, she campaigns to take the lid off trade secrecy. She has written articles for the Morning Star and submissions to government consultations. She was invited by the EU Trade Commission to make a presentation to its civil society dialogue on services trade.


 “Although India and the EU are not discussing special visa categories,

the two countries are negotiating a numerical quota of approximately 40,000 workers who can enter the EU for up to 12 months to work in around 25 services sectors, including architectural services, engineering

services, research and development services and computer and related services.” (note the way the EU is now referred to as a country, like India!)

taken from:-

workers in India oppose the FTA (Mode 4)



Friday, May 23, 2014

AV6 2015. Rosa Koire, 'Communitarian Witch'!

Behind the Green Mask of Rosa Koire
by Niki Raapana with Nordica Friedrich
Anti Communitarian League
Friday, December 13, 2013

It is the latest thing!
Here is how, I believe, it appears to work.
You take years and years of honest, pain-staking, detailed and refined research.  You identify and excise some pertinent facts from it, then plagiarise and twist them to suit your own selfish agenda. You dye your hair so you look like a memorable cartoon. Then you shoot your fat mouth off on cheap US radio shows and at "conferences," and get films of yourself up on YouTube, and win yourself a fan club of truther trendies. Then bring out a tacky book of NWO-biased, plagiarised half-truths which the controlled MSM then happily promotes to 'the sheeple.'
Nice work if you can get it! As a kind of half-baked 'accademic' and actor/actress-come-paid-liar in the information war, I BELIEVE. 

Fracking Nightmare - Episode 25

OMG!  Oh dear!  At 58 minutes Ian R Crane announces - 
Rosa Koire is likely to be the Keynote speaker at the AV6 (Alternative View 6) in 2015!!!!   

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!  Are you nuts!

At 58 minutes in, Crane goes on to refer to Rosa Koire's 'work' in relation to the environment and Agenda 21!!!
Methinks Ian, that you are actually referring here to the considerable body of academic work by Niki Raapana

Hello!  I believe Koire is a fraud!  
I sincerely hope she is not the keynote speaker at this event, because I believe her to be a plagiariser, a twistspeaker, and a truth-bender! 

Stop being so bloody complacent and find out the truth!!!!!

Oh boy!
I believe Koire could be taking you all for a ride!  Enjoy the trip, suckers!

Anonymous said... "The first time I saw Rosa speak, I knew she was paid-for by central banking factions. Too much easy publicity, and then also the shock of white hair. She looked like (intentionally) the quintessential nut case. Her message always fell short of the whole Truth. Fabian socialism infiltrates from within, and then distorts the Truth..."

Charles Steiner, "I’m glad Rosa Koire is being treated in Agenda 21 for the Communitarian witch that she is and her deplorable denial of Niki Rapaana and Nordica Friedrich’s naming Zionist of Amitai Etzioni as the leader behind Communitarianism, which created Agenda 21.  If only Michael Shaw and Michael Coffman and Glenn Beck could have been added to the cartoon!"

rosaweb72 dpi 560 wide 618 high

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Flood Warning Sirens Across UK Disconnected, to Save Money!

'Rip-Off Britain' doesn't care if you drown!

Reading the article below, how fortunate it was for local people that the flood warning sirens were still in place and operating.
However, are you aware that ALL flood warning sirens across Britain are being removed (and not being replaced!) because they are "analogue" thus "old-fashioned" and, in a recession/depression, far too costly to bother repairing?  So, if you want to be warned about floods nowadays, you have to "register" for texts, emails and tweets, etc. (Or Boy Scouts knocking on your door, perhaps?)
This is NOT a joke, unfortunately!
Such a sensible, RESPONSIBLE replacement system in an emergency, I think NOT!

Lincolnshire’s last remaining flood sirens removed from Mablethorpe........

Following the nationwide Pitt Review after the 2007 summer floods, the decision was made to scrap the sirens as repairs became difficult because of their age and the new system means people who aren’t in the area at the time of the warning won’t miss out on crucial information.
Flood risk is on many people’s minds lately after reports that many homeowners in the Mablethorpe and Sutton parish may have difficulty insuring their homes when a government agreement ends next year.
The Environment Agency’s free flood warning service aims to give advanced notice of sea and river flooding so people can prepare themselves.
Four categories of early warning are used: flood watch, flood warning, severe flood warning and the all clear.
Floodline Warnings Direct sends out direct messages to people whose homes may be affected, via telephone, mobile, email, text message or even fax, (and smoke signals with a wet blanket!)

Meanwhile, in the Netherlands
[A Federal Signal Modulator MOD2008 Siren on a pole as used in the Netherlands.]

A Federal Signal Modulator on a pole, as used in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands tests its air-raid sirens once a month, every first Monday at noon, to keep the public aware of the system. There are about 4,200 sirens placed all across the country.[29]

'Rip-Off Britain' doesn't care if you drown!