Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Britain’s Secret Property Deals. Who Is Buying Up London.

Day two of the Guardian’s ongoing Offshore Secrets investigation focused on “who is buying up London: the real identities behind Britain’s secret property deals”. Apparently some 100,000 tax avoiders have been purchasing British properties and offices using offshore companies, hiding their dealings in the UK and reducing their bill to the exchequer. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Guardian’s very own offices were owned by an offshore company? Surely not…

Guido can reveal that 90 King’s Place, the Guardian’s offices in central London, is owned by a tax exempt offshore investment trust managed from Germany...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bradbury Pound, Britain's Debt-Free 'Greenback' Currency.

The Bradbury e-book is now available:

The continuing economic pessimism being foisted upon us is not only unnecessary, it is a criminal fraud for which the perpetrators need to be brought to justice. Until we can persuade the wider public of that, we simply have no future.

To bring these issues to a wider public, we need your help. So today we are making available our ebook covering the issue of national credit. You can download the ebook as a pdf, and as an iBook for the ipad. The ipad version includes video and audio, so it is a large file!
Please read it, tweet about it, post it to Facebook and distribute it in any other way that comes to mind, as widely as possible.

Friday, November 23, 2012



Based on actual historical precedent, this is the lawful and common sense way to remove all of our financial debts and woes!
“There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come!”
Victor Hugo
"I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money, are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies."
Thomas Jefferson
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire ... the man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."
Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild
With the exception of a few thousand very powerful people, the entire world’s population, all seven billion of us, are trapped….trapped into a criminal corporate banking system that has taken hundreds of years to perfect and to come to fruition.  
This ‘system’ results in enslavement and servitude.  It creates dreadful unhappiness amongst ordinary decent people and causes wars, debt, starvation, pollution and environmental destruction.   It feeds on greed, fear and division.   It uses lies, deception, intimidation and entrapment at all times.  It is a system that is so clever and so cunning that most of the world is completely oblivious to its existence.  It is a system that allows a few winners at the expense of a huge number of losers.  It is a system that considers itself to be unbeatable and indestructible and is now so arrogant that it believes it can control everything and everyone on its terms.  Many are now of the opinion that it is within striking distance of its final and ultimate objective – the corporate takeover of the world and the creation of global governance on its terms.  A nightmare world has arrived where the psychopaths in dark suits run almost everything and where human beings lose their humanity and simply become serfs to a new global feudal system……or as the system-servers prefer to call it, ‘The New World Order’.
The architects and drivers behind this criminal system are the House of Rothschild. With their truly appalling political creed of Zionism (for those of you new to all of this, please understand that modern Zionism is completely at odds with the ancient religion of Judaism and if you want to confirm this, just feed 'Jews against Zionism' into any search engine), this ruthless, psychopathic and all powerful family, closely supported by other bloodline banking families such as the Warburgs and the Rockefellers, have created for themselves an extensive and secretive network of organisations with which to implement this corporate agenda for complete global control.   Their age old banking scam of creating money completely out of thin air and then charging interest on this ‘nothingness’ is little short of genius.  Their ability to bribe and seduce ambitious politicians and other ‘useful idiot’ decision makers and opinion makers into their web of criminality is second to none.  And the result is that their global network of debt creating ‘Central Banks’ have caused nations, businesses and families to fall into ever increasing debt.....and debt, as the banksters know only too well, means more control by them as legitimate governments struggle to pay their burgeoning deficits and national debts.
The time has come for the British people to act. This Rothschild created ‘corporate serpent’ may have the rest of the world in a stranglehold of fear and helplessness, but, with the unchallengeable power of Common Law and a strong and provable historical precedent to guide us, this unlawful system of debt creation can be overturned by the British Government in a day....and that’s no exaggeration!
First, let’s see the one question which has the system-serving politicians and economists running for cover.  It’s very simple and to the point:  Why can’t the British government through its Treasury issue debt free and interest free money based upon the common wealth and integrity of this country - worth trillions - why do our politicians go straight to the private bankers, the House of Rothschild and the like, who simply create money completely out of thin air….just figures on a computer screen….and when this ‘money’, or more accurately this ‘nothingness’, is received by our government, we, as taxpayers, start paying the exorbitant interest which is currently costing the British people in real money at least £125,000,000 a day, or more than £44,000,000,000 a year? Furthermore, under this utterly corrupt mechanism, only the Capital Amount is ever created (and ever has been created). Thus the so-called 'money supply', created by this mechanism, never contains funds to pay any Interest at all. It never has, and it never will. This entirely fraudulent mechanism means that everyone is constantly "robbing Peter to pay Paul", triggering planned misery and frustration at every turn.
The answer to all of this, thankfully, is also very simple and to the point.  There is absolutely nothing to prevent the British Government from issuing its own debt free and interest free paper money to meet all the essential needs of the British people.  And best of all, a successful historical precedent is there for all to see.  At the height of the American Civil War, the US Treasury warned President Lincoln that further funding would be needed if the Federal North was to have the resources needed to defeat the Confederate South.  The President initially went to the Rothschilds and the private banks who wanted between 24 and 36 per cent interest.  Lincoln knew that if he agreed to take loans from the bankers that he would be putting his country into a debt noose that would strangle the economic prosperity out of his country and which would be almost impossible to pay off. 
On the advice of a businessman with proven integrity, Colonel Dick Taylor from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln made the decision to print debt free and interest free paper money based on nothing more than the honour of the American Government.  Called ‘Greenbacks’ because they were coloured green on one side only, the US Treasury issued 450 million dollars worth of these notes and they were immediately accepted as legal tender by a willing and grateful nation.  The war was eventually won and this very popular new paper currency seemed set to continue.  In the words of Lincoln himself:  "The government should create issue and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers..... The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's greatest creative opportunity. By the adoption of these principles, the long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. The taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest, discounts and exchanges. The financing of all public enterprises, the maintenance of stable government and ordered progress, and the conduct of the Treasury will become matters of practical administration. The people can and will be furnished with a currency as safe as their own government. Money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise superior to the money power."     
Senate document 23, Page 91. 1865
The response from the House of Rothschild to this sudden threat to their banking empire was swift and brutal as this extract from The Times of London in 1865 shows:  “If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedence in the history of the civilised governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”  On Good Friday, April 14th 1865, a lone gunman ended the presidency of Abraham Lincoln.  Sadly, his Greenback legacy died with him as the private bankers managed to ‘persuade’ Congress to revoke this successful initiative in favour of the debt creating National Banking Act which eventually led to the formation of the privately run Federal Reserve in 1913.  Since then, America’s unlawful debt has risen to over 15 trillion dollars.
However, the precedent has been set!  And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, to stop Prime Minister Cameron from authorising the creation of a debt free and interest free paper currency – a ‘Greenback’ Pound – to ensure the future well-being, security and happiness of the British people.  The unlawful Deficit and National Debt (one trillion pounds) can simply be written off with the issuance of the appropriate number of ‘Greenback’ Pounds leaving our ancient and supreme Common Law to bring to justice the House of Rothschild and all those who have sought to distress and enslave humanity.  And like a falling line of dominos, other countries will almost immediately adopt this same strategy and throw off the unlawful corporate banking yoke that causes so much misery in the world.  In no time at all, we will have a world where happiness, truth and integrity reign supreme! 
Come on then….what are you all waiting for?  Let’s make this ‘Greenback’ Pound happen! (sign up to this new banking initiative which complements the Greenback Pound)

Spread this information far and wide, throughout the UK!  Send it to your MP, to your local newspaper and radio station.  Let’s saturate every medium available, especially the worldwide net. These Banking Scams have gone on quite long enough!
Interesting conversation on MONEY from 1hour 3minutes in.

UK Column Live - 22/11/12. Fraud, Lies, Treason.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fracking: Things Find a Way

Fracking. Communitarians are, at their core, DEVELOPERS

Fracking by Halliburton
Photo: A Halliburton rig drills for Shell Exploration & Production in Pinedale, Wyo., using hydraulic fracturing.
Niki Friedrich Raapana,
"I just watched two movies on the oil and gas drilling in the Rocky Mountains.  Both films focused on the health affects suffered by people whose water and air was poisoned by the fracking wells.  Good overview of the "conflict" between people who want the jobs and people who want to control their environoment, and a perfect example of how Communitarian regulations work.  The federal laws protecting the environment only apply to the little people... not to corporations or government.  Plus, what a scam that property owners do not own the mineral rights under their land.  Unbelievable how CLOSE the wells are to homes and farms.  The funeral of a baby born dead on one of the farms was horrific.  Fits in nicely with the "need" for getting people out of the rural areas, and not because they want to "protect" the wilderness, but because the communitarians are, at their core, DEVELOPERS."

Monday, November 12, 2012

Arial View of Continuing BP Distruction

Queen Elizabeth 2nd and Cameron want Christians DEAD!

“His body was horribly tortured and his eyes gouged out,” he reported. “It is a purely terrorist act....." 
This is the work of Britain's allies!!  
This is the work of the demonic scum - the filth! who will receive arms, support and huge sums of British tax payers' money!


Listen and watch murderous little prick Fahd Al Masri of the Free Syrian Army as he openly declares on mainstream TV that Assad will be 'LUCKY' if he dies like Gaddaffi did!

For your infomation, Colonel Gadaffi was beaten and kicked to a BLOOD-COVERED pulp and then buggered to death by whooping and cheering demented devils over the hood of a jeep! 
Look at the pig who jumped for pure joy over it in the USA too! 

This is THE DISGUSTING FILTH THAT WE ARE SUPPORTING ALONG WITH THE USA, AND ISRAEL! Not in my feckin name - bastards! More from Cameron's charming new best friend:

Padre torturado e assassinado em Damasco