Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Nelson Mandela, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness..."



The idolatrous worship of Nelson Mandela by the nations of the World is unbelievable.  As All Mighty God says in Isaiah, in the last days "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness..." 

Sorry!  This universal praise for Mandela is on a false premises.  If this is the beacon and hope for mankind, God help us!  

When released from prison he sang, with his comrades, the ANC song "Kill the Boer/ white."  
He also, upon his release, opened the prisons and let out all the violent criminals, and then did away with the death penalty.  From that point on, began the real reign of terror against the whites.  Not once, since his release, has he ever condemned these ongoing brutal murders nor has the current leadership. Over 83,000 whites have been murdered to date many after being horribly and brutally tortured, 4,000 farmers alone and still continuing. 

A man of peace? I think not.

Below is the real truth about the man they intend to sing eulogies to, and crown as one of the greatest men who has ever lived, what a mockery.  He is an out-and-out Marxist and has never renounced violence. He could have left prison years before his release in 1992 if he would just renounced violence, something which he refused to do.  

The ANC worked hand-in-glove with the IRA who were responsible for training and supplying their ANC comrades with arms.  I have a postcard of the Falls Road in Belfast where there is an enormous mural painted on a wall of a shield and spear, the symbol of  the armed wing of the ANC, and a gun for the IRA.  It states "Together we will liberate our people"  Under these circumstances, Jerry Adams should be placed on the same pedestal as Mandela. But hey, I forgot the IRA are regarded as terrorist but the ANC Freedom Fighters. I guess it all depends on which side of the fence you are.

The first paragraph below says it all and he has never veered from this path ever.  He speaks with a forked tongue one for the world, but the other for his comrades and followers,
The real reason for Mandela incarceration
The leaflets by the ANC at the time warned that whites "now face an indefinitely long future of terror, uncertainty and steadily eroding power. You will keep a gun at your side, never knowing whom to trust...You will never be safe and you will never be sure..." 
ANC atrocities escalated; as Weyl writes, "young girls of ten and fourteen were killed with characteristic savagery."

It was in this atmosphere that Mandela was arrested along with nine other ANC members in 1963 on a farm outside Johannesburg. The search yielded documents, many of them in Mandela's handwriting, detailing plans for terrorist assaults on 106 targets-police stations, power houses, homes of black policemen and communications centers. 

Another document in Mandela's writing was entitled, "How to Be a Good Communist." 
In addition to dogma, the paper stressed the necessity of ruthlessly eliminating informers, advocating, "cutting off their noses, pour encourager les autres" (to encourage the others). 
Information seized in the raid led police to another farm with a cache of 50 tons of explosives, plus thousands of hand grenades and land mines. 
Mandela's papers referred to hundreds of ANC youths undergoing terrorist training in Algeria, then the ANC's ideological model for a new state.
Mandela pleaded guilty to three of four charges. Under common law for high treason, he faced execution. But the trial judge ruled that the specific statute under which he was tried did not distinguish sharply between intent and actions, hence the life sentence.
It was believed at the time, by many, that there must have been a hidden agenda as the evidence was so overwhelming that he fully intended to bring about a violent over-throwal of the government and replace it with a Marxist regime.  He should have by all accounts have been hung by the neck until he was dead.
History has proved that there indeed was a hidden agenda for keeping him alive.  It took the Anglo/American establishment nearly 30 years to undermine South Africa and bring her to her knees, which was always their intention, hence the need to keep him on ice until the appropriate time. 

So there we have it.  

It would be nice if you feel so inclined to forward this to people to let them know the other side of the coin.  

Just recently two journalist who who worked for Fox News blew the whistle on GM foods and were fired.  They took Fox news to court for unfair dismissal but lost the case.  

I rest my case, Take care.
(Authors' names withheld) 

Mandela & the Church Street Bombing
This is a story about Nelson Mandela, the world-famous "freedom fighter" and "democrat." You'll have to pardon those slightly sardonic quotes, because I'm afraid this is that kind of story: a bit iconoclastic, and likely to provoke howls of outrage from Western liberals who see Mandela as a benign black moderate who led an army of hymn-singing Uncle Toms to the promised land.

“South Africa was a thriving tourist destination when that old derelict Mandela took over. He imposed the same old social justice crap that O’Vomit is forcing upon us now, and like everywhere else, it was a total disaster. Now SA is a destitute shithole of crime, violence, poverty and misery. Even the blacks wish apartheid was back. At least then they had jobs and safety and their kids went to school. All the whites with money are gone.
Rot in hell, you piece of shit ape. Please die soon and get off my news headlines.”

"Thanks to the savage apes unleashed on society by Nelson Mandingo, flame throwers are now an option on South African cars as a means of protecting your family from carjackers”:-

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