Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Are You An iPad Puppet?

...............................Ukraine is of particular significance given the similarities between the false flag scenario of the Maidan sniper and the 7/7 purported racially-motivated event in Dallas.  For both Right Sektor’s Ukrainian Nationalists and Black Lives Matter’s Alinsky-style Revolutionary there is a similar modus operandi of background financing and manipulation. In a piece I authored last year, I compared these similar tactics and discussed the think tank and ‘soft power’ meta-strategy involved in geopolitical re-engineering, both domestically and abroad.
Keep in mind that according to even mainstream fixture The New York Times most “terror plots” are hatched and aided by the FBI. The Soros-style NGO and soft power approach has seen the aiding of both far left and far right with the overall intent of duping progressives into war.  I wrote concerning NGOs and think tanks “identity politics” and radicalization, an international operation for “change” being engineered out of New York:
“In the case of black youth, the Occupy-style thug culture of hip hop and rap easily combines with the radical Jihadism of intelligence agency creations like ISIS.   Both groups share a similar sense of being oppressed minorities, and both are utilized as foolish dupes of the same western establishment, dancing according to the whims of their foundation puppeteer masters.
In case you were wondering, this is how the foundations and think tanks provoke minority groups with similar, but rebranded ideologies of invented revolution, particularly through the mainstream (and alternative) news cycle’s scientifically precise emotionally manipulative stories that are intentionally chosen, crafted, cropped and created for the foundation/think tank revolutionary agenda.
Patsies and provocateurs.
This same technique is now being used for gender as a whole, as feminism, “women’s rights,” “gender rights,” equality, etc., now make up a large portion of the total news feed.  Increasingly taking on a clickbait style, the endless gender oppression articles are another technology for social re-engineering under the guise of appealing to the female populace.
Females are undeniably more susceptible to emotional appeals and advertising deception, the same marketing styles of ad campaigns for endless hygiene products now mirrors the mindless, gender-based “stories” of oppressed trans teens and eternally victimized and “oppressed” western women (who have the highest living standards in the world).  While western women conduct their war on the patriarchal power by sharing these retarded stories on their iPads, they are just as much the dupes of the same foundation/think tank techniques as the low IQ ISIS “recruits” and the ghetto mobs...................................
Pop culture promotion of supposed anti-establishment agitation.
Pop tart politics


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