Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sanity Requires Discernment & Self Discipline

There is an imbalance in our lives. 95% of our thought goes to 
saving our skin; hardly anything to saving our soul.  As a consequence,  
we are slowly going crazy individually and collectively. 
"Amassing details about the Illuminati or corruption isn't going to save us.  We can foil the Satanists by having a moment-to-moment relationship with God. They want your soul.  Nothing would infuriate them more than a massive worldwide religious revival."

(revised from Dec. 2 2013) by Henry Makow Ph.D.

We are becoming more "externalized" than ever.  What does that mean?

We seek satisfaction, knowledge and meaning outside ourselves, i.e. souls.  Our happiness depends on manipulating the world to give us "ego strokes" . Facebook has turned us into "likes" addicts. If we write on someone's wall and they don't reply, we are miffed.
We are like squealing chicks waiting for benefactors to bring us juicy worms in the form of money, sex or recognition ("love.") This sense that our happiness comes from outside ourselves is the cause of all addictions.


The biggest mistake is conformity. In Thoreau words, is that "All anyone knows is the wind that blows."  Humanity is pretty clueless as to where it came from, why it is here and where it is going.  Satanists control education and the mass media and their first priority is denying the existence of God, and our spiritual connection to Him.

We are born alone, tread a solitary path, and meet our maker alone, yet we spend our lives evading God, our constant companion. This Self evasion is experienced as emptiness and loneliness. Seeking happiness or guidance from society is looking into a "wilderness of mirrors" in T.S. Eliot's words. When we watch a movie or even listen to music, we are stuck in the mindset of the artist.  Entertainment rarely inspires, uplifts or nurtures the spirit. Human companionship often leaves us feeling dissatisfied and empty. 
I once saw this graffiti: "If you hate being alone, other people must find you boring too." 


God is our constant companion by virtue of our soul.

The Illuminati Satanists have made "God" a dirty word. God cannot be evaded or denied. He is Reality: Truth, Goodness, Justice, Love, Beauty, Bliss, things we all crave because they are inherent in our spiritual nature.  How can "atheists" deny God when He is spiritual ideals. Can they deny the existence of spiritual ideals? 

"God is a Spirit, and we must love (worship) Him in sprit and in Truth," said Jesus (John 4:24). "Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect," Mathew 5:48.

Atheism is simply a smokescreen for Satanism.  Who can deny our craving for perfection?

Imagine the soul is light emanating from a slide projector. The slides are our thoughts. These slides are provided by entertainment and the mass media. We see a thought-slide of a steak, we salivate. A sexy person and "we" feel lust. We see a stock going up and "we" feel another kind of lust- greed.

The Illuminati is adept at providing an endless supply of these diversions. We are bombarded with nubile young women selling everything including the "news."  The Illuminati are constantly pushing sex in our face, a form of spiritual control.  

Our real identity is not the mind or its thought-slides.  It is the light. By keeping our minds still (clear), or thinking positive and eschewing negative ones, we can experience the light - immanent truth, beauty, goodness, and love. 

"Muddied water, let stand, becomes clear," said Lao Tzu.

Cambridge Platonist poet Henry More (1614-1687) wrote:

"When the inordinate desire after knowledge of things was allayed in me,  and I aspired after nothing but purity and simplicity of mind, there shone in me daily a greater assurance than ever I could have expected, even of those things which before I had the greatest desire to know."

("My soul is a candle that burned away the veil; only the glorious duties of light I now have."     St John of the Cross.)

Amassing details about the Illuminati or world corruption isn't going to save us. We can foil the Satanists by having a moment-to-moment relationship with God. They want your soul. Nothing would infuriate them more than a massive, worldwide religious revival. This is the only thing that will stop the NWO.

God is not an abstraction or something to be found in books. He is our soul. We need only locate Him in our being and defer to Him in our words and deeds. This is the essence of all true religions. Islam, for example, means "Obey."

Gradually, our identity shifts from the thought-slides to the light, and we distance our self from our animal behavior.

This is the purpose of life. Self-perfection. By becoming the light. By shining the light. En-light-enment. I expect Jesus literally shone. He referred to himself and his disciples as the "light of the world." The light is life and the path of human development. Worldly desire is the path of death and destruction.

This quest is the dedicated life. I haven't been able to achieve this but at least I have a goal. Our religion is our day. Not what we espouse but what we do.


The imbalance in our lives is because our "secular" society is a disguised satanic cult that denies the existence of the soul and God. Religion used to provide a balance between flesh and spirit. But our Cabalist masters have eradicated religion or rendered it meaningless. So the challenge is to fill the vacuum either by finding a genuine religious practice or by some other means. Ideally, we will devote time each day to restoring psychic balance by nourishing our spiritual identity through obedience to God.

I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor," Thoreau wrote in "Walden."

"It is something to carve a statue...but it is far more glorious to carve ...the very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. Every man is tasked to make his life, even in its details worthy of the contemplation of his most elevated and critical hour."

By making our thoughts conform to our soul, instead of the world, we create our own heaven. All great religions teach us to control our thoughts. Our minds are altars and our thoughts are offerings to God.

"Muddied water, let stand, becomes clear," said Lao Tzu.

In the Hindu tradition, mind discipline is called "Raja Yoga." By learning to meditate, we learn to have constructive thoughts. The key is to treat your thoughts as though they were a stranger's, and edit them. If you master this skill of detachment, you will never be depressed, never go mad for the simple reason that you will not be identified with a negative mental complex.

Note: For those who want to explore this further, check out Thomas a Kempis or Eckhart Tolle on YouTube. 

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