Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Thursday, December 18, 2014

MPs To Plunder NHS? What can you do?

Stop MPs profiting from NHS privatisation

Stop MPs profiting from NHS privatisation

"Many MPs are making money for themselves by selling-off our National Health Service to private companies.
Privatisation means that public funds are used to pay for private sector provision of NHS services. This means taxpayers’ money is going into the profits of companies and their shareholders instead of into patient care.
The Department of Health’s annual accounts for 2013-14 showed £10bn-worth of NHS business went to other providers. It’s rising by about £1bn every year and needs to be stopped. If MPs are banned from having investments in these companies, they will be less supportive of further privatisation, and maybe the NHS can be saved.
Please sign my petition to the Commons Select Committee on Standards (the people who make rules for MPs), demanding that MPs be banned from investing in private healthcare companies......"

It's a bloody nightmare! This is exactly how it works, not just with the NHS but all our public services from road sweeping, bin emptying, meals on wheels, 'community care'??? and school meals to our nuclear energy plants and the Ministry of Defence - Qinetiq,
Prisons, care homes, remedial education, speech therapy.....the treason goes on and on and on and on......

‘They’ are ALL in on it, all UK political parties, which means that we cannot solve this by voting.


Why is this happening? It is my opinion that this is actually all part of a huge con-trick to avoid being accountable under the excellent and well drawn up FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000.  This Act has been on the statute books since Januart 1st 2005 - it took 5 YEARS to design and set out, that's a bloody long time! Which just goes to show how comprehensive and all-embracing it is. With the exceptions of our defence, personal info and matters of national security, this Act gives the British people the right to know everything that goes on in public life. Quite right too and about time, since we, the public, pay for it all through our taxes. But it was just too good to be true wasn't it? Through this Act we could know where every penny was being spent and on what.  Oh dear, 'they' do not want this, do they? All 'their' little fiddles, and the big buggers too, could be exposed and 'they' could end up in court and in jail! Oh my!

Even before the Freedom of Information Act 2000 became law, 'they,' the Chosen Elite, and their army of useful idiots were beavering away through a deceitful organisation funded secretly with millions of tax-payers' and, I believe, National Lottery money called Common Purpose, to undermine it. 

The solution this despicable, traitorous scum have come up with is very clever, very clever indeed! A dastardly plan called, THE COMMUNITY.  It may sound cosy and friendly and nice- IT IS NOT! The Community Sector is totally unaccountable under the Freedom of Information Act 2000! Why? At its very highest levels, it is a sychophantic, undemocratic, unjust, deceitful club for dishonest psychopaths and creeps. It is rather like Freemasonry with those at the bottom, on the street so-to-speak, being decent and doing their best to be respectable whilst totally unaware of what's goingon further up the organisation, and trusting that the organisation is respectable and legal, based on their lowel level experiences. This is NOT good enough, is it? We cannot afford to just trust, where public money is concerned. Can we? 

Of course not!

I am warning you, and advising you all to look into this much more deeply and to be aware that you are being robbed and being lied to. 

I strongly recommend further reading on this vital subject:-

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