Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Thursday, August 21, 2014


“There’s actually a park in Mosul where they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick… this is crimes against humanity. They are doing the most horrendous, the most heart-breaking crimes that you can think of.”


It has been announced that UK armed forces are now playing a more significant part in the latest Iraq war situation than just dropping supplies!
Due to decades of cross-party, multi-culti recklessness and massive government irresponsibility, we are now in the ludicrous, totally idiotic, pathetic situation, of having our armed forces on one side of this war while certain 'UK citizens' (traitors) loyal to criminal, mass-murdering Muslim terrorists (not to the Crown) are fighting for the enemy - against our own troops! 
This enemy is ISIS, armed to the teeth and trained by our supposed allies - the USA and Israel!

'Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practise to deceive!'

What the HELL is going on? Joe Average wants to know!

In the future, will this mass-murdering scum just turn to the NHS and the Dole Office when they get back - for medical treatment and financial support? Or will these traitors be escorted straight to jail (I somehow doubt it, don't you? Once our precious 'Uman Rights lawyer-ticks get their gobbling jaws around them and start sucking!) 
If these traitors are killed fighting our forces, will the put-upon, taken-for-granted, ripped-off British public have to support these traitors' numerous 'wives' and brats? 
Oh yes, of course, why not - we pay for everything else, why not keep them too?
Why the feckin hell should we?
Will these rotten, perverted traitors be arrested if they live to return to Britain, or just waived through by the (Open) Border Agency (an incompetent 3rd sector so-called, money-saving puppet show) as if they have just come back from a picnic and everything is fine?

These traitors will be a critical security risk here in the UK, forever, if/when they return.

Now some american journalist has been beheaded by a 'British' mussie-turd and, Oh dear! all of a sudden Cameron and O'Bummer have been shamed into possibly doing more (perhaps, if they can be bothered, and if their Israeli chums give their permission!)  Cameron and O'Bummer, IMHO are two worthless scroats who have not given a toss up to now about ISIS kidnapping children, nuns and priests, raping girls and beheading their opposition and innocent civilians, including children but now, one bloody american journalist and - all of a sudden - Oh deary me!  
Cameron and O'Bummer both make me sick - they are every bit as greedy, wicked and devoid of common decency as psycho Bliar and his buddies Clinton and Bush! 
To hell with them all!

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