Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rules for Clever Rats

On a Psychopathic Monster called: Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky wrote a book called Rules For Rats, or some shit or other! Everyone of influence in the world of politics seems to admire this sociopathic deviant and his revolting ’work?’ He seems to be the latest political fad – Why, for crying out loud?

Who was this corrupt and poisonous ‘man?’ so beloved in the UK’s “Labour Party,” David Cameron’s “Conservatives” and by so-called, deep thinkers (nutters) in the “Liberal Party.” Alinsky is also highly revered by Bonk & Hitlery Clinton, Obummer, and a whole host of other wicked people of influence across our unfortunate planet.

Did Alinsky really learn everything he knew about manipulating and using people, while in prison, from Mafia chief Al Capone? Why are politicians across the world in thrall to the depraved ranting of this crook’s apprentice, Alinsky? Is it because they see ‘something of themselves,’ within Alinsky’s deeply toxic outpourings? Ha ha ha!

Lefty Saul Alinsky’s poisonous rot is absolutely riddled right through David Cameron’s Big Society (which is just a continuation of Blair’s Third Way dressed up to look Tory!) and also behind Common Purpose shite, the Localism and “the Community” movements, etc.

Excuse me – does any of this make sense to you? Once, the different political parties in the UK had different agendas and objectives from each other, didn’t they? So how long have they been hooked up like Samson and Delilah?

What is going on? I dare you to take the time to find out something you have been unaware of until now.
Something scandalous that is all true and happening right now - to you!

Midnight Cowboy:
You, and I, are the gullible and naive Joe Buck; streetwise and ruthless Ratso is the Rothschild bankers. He has worked out a multitude of ways to get money from your pockets and bank accounts into his. Jackie, the gay hooker, is the UK Column - trying to warn you about Ratso but will you listen? And how will you stop Ratso? Joe even ends up being smooth-talked into becoming his 'friend'! We are all currently the bankers pussies, when will we start scratching back? After all, we could devour these rats quite easily if we really wanted to

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