Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Patrick Henningsen, UK Column, Sky's Paradigm Shift TV.

To paradigm shift or not to paradigm shift, that is the question.

Thoughts on Sky’s ‘Paradigm Shift TV.’

What is the point of the UK Column team, plus other truth-seeking organisations and individuals, broadcasting documentaries connected to their issues and articles,  and appearing on a TV program called ‘Paradigm Shift TV’ if nobody connected to the UK Column or the Truth Movement is prepared to acknowledge the one, obvious, massive paradigm shift that we all need to make?  Even when it is staring at us straight in the face?

This is the paradigm shift from leaving behind the misguided view of the duality of our present political system and seeing it as right or left, good or bad (according to our views), etc.  Stop it! 
We have this social and political view of politics - left/right, good/bad, black/white, up/down, ping-pong going on all the time but it is really just part of a larger, cloaked formula.

To viewing world politics in relation to the Hegelian Dialectic. This paradigm shift reveals the hidden, creepy, devious, third aspect to political policy making that many people are either unaware of, or are refusing to admit or talk about for various reasons.

In his latest article “Seeing Through the ‘Clash of Civilisations’ Psy-Op,” the UK Column’s Patrick Henningsen by setting out brilliantly what this incident has really all been about is actually describing a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic in action, by the Elite. But sadly, he fails utterly to identify it as such.  Patrick does not call it what it really is – a Hegelian scam!  It is a shame, it would have been a perfect opportunity to do so.    

‘The Powers That Be’, our secret Elite or the Illuminati, are continually following this crafty Hegelian formula.  IT IS THE FALSE FLAG!  It is the method, the mechanism, by which their false flag schemes are executed.  It works like a dream for them, over and over again, conning all of us down the decades! 
It is the ‘meat and potatoes’ of their confidence trick.  ‘Nudging’ and NLP are gentle versions of it.  So please - let’s talk and write about the Hegelian Dialectic and Communitarianism. Let’s call them what they are; and all learn to recognise them.  Then we might start getting somewhere?

This is how it works:

The recent controversial film, ‘The Innocence of Muslims’ (thesis) is created by seemingly, well-meaning film-makers.  It causes mayhem (antithesis) across the world (which is actually what the not-so-innocent film-makers really, secretly want) so the West can ‘react’ (synthesis) to this and we, ignorant Joe Public, will accept this reaction (synthesis) as good, as for-the-best under the circumstances.  The collective effect of all of these syntheses, or reactions (usually perceived as compromises by Joe Public, both in the West and in the Middle East) is what is leading the whole world into communitarianism.  Communitarianism is the ultimate synthesis.  This Hegelian process and its goal were first recognised by the inspired and tenatious Niki Raapana in the 1990s, and she has been meticulously analysing its development and progress worldwide over a period of more than 10 years, aided by her talented and dedicated daughter Nordica FriedrichNiki and Nordica's dynamite studies are comprehensive and categorically demonstrate exactly how we are all being duped and led along a primrose path to a new community of totalitarianism called Communitarianism, where all rights of the individual are second to the paramount rights of ‘the community.’ This Worldwide 'Community' will not be what most people imagine either!  It will be ruled over by the Elite, and organised and run for their benefit by their useful-idiot servants, who will all be appointed by the Elite, not voted for by us!
This a million miles away from the Christian/ New Testament inspired, individual rights of  'we are all equal in the eyes of god' with the freedom,equal rights and social mobility it has inspired down the centuries.  No!  The future One World Community Government will be based on Plato's Republic, a Hindo-esque, Romanesque caste system where we will stay in our class, grovel and be grateful - the only difference being that Plato's Gold Ruling Class were envisaged as being benevolent, fair-minded and not desiring of huge wealth, ruling for the good of all. Our greedy "Gold Class" - the secret Elite, will want ALL wealth for themselves and will rule purely for their own gain! Nothing for us, a few scraps if we are lucky.
Niki and Nordica deserve a medals, a Nobel Prize.  I cannot recommend their work enough to you. Check them out, their intellect and integrity are wonderful. Their output is phenomenal.  I cannot praise these woman enough -  brave, funny, tough, modest, and wise. 
Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich; truly forces to be reckoned with!
2020: Our Common Destiny/The Anti Communitarian Manifesto by Niki Raapana & Nordica Friedrich

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