Who are the shadowy Fat Cats (traitors) trying to trying to block Brexit? Top City law firm launches legal bid to stop new PM from triggering Brexit without a vote in Parliament - but why won't they reveal who they're working for?
- Anonymous group of academics and business figures (traitors) trying to stop PM invoking Article 50
- Law firm says House of Commons must vote before Brexit formally triggered
- Around three quarters of MPs supported Remain in the EU referendum
- Some (traitors) have suggested Commons should water down or even block Brexit
Published: 11:01, 4 July 2016
A top law firm (traitors) is refusing to name 'hundreds' of business figures and
academics behind a bid to prevent the new Prime Minister formally
triggering our exit from the EU without agreement from the House of Commons.
Mishcon de Reya is taking action to ensure MPs have their say before
Downing Street invokes Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
If successful, the bid could hand MPs - three quarters of whom supported
Remain - the power to delay our departure and control the terms.
David Cameron has
insisted it will be the duty of his successor to trigger the mechanism after he
resigning in the wake of the referendum's bombshell Leave victory.
Home Secretary Theresa May, the favourite to take over as PM, and Justice Secretary Michael Gove have suggested they would not push ahead with the move this year.
But Andrea Leadsom, who supported Brexit, has insisted Article 50 should
be activated as soon as possible to give investors and the public certainty.
Former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg today suggested that the Treaty
mechanism should not be used until after a general election has been held -
potentially as late as 2020.
Tony Blair (traitor) has also hinted there could be a second referendum before a final decision is taken on whether to Leave.
The latest manoeuvre by (traitors) Mishcon de Reya raises the prospect that there
would have to be a vote in the Commons before proceeding with Article 50 -
potentially taking the decision out of the hands of the PM.
Some MPs (traitors) who campaigned for Remain have stressed the referendum was
advisory and suggested the impact should be minimised or even ignored.
Among those thought to be involved in the Mishcon bid is entrepreneur
(and traitor) Alex Chesterman.
Mr Chesterman, who founded the Zoopla property site, circulated an email
to other business figures urging them support the move to ' that this once in a
generation issue is handled properly under UK law', according to the Guido
Fawkes blog.
The legal firm is adamant that Parliament must have its say, and has
been in correspondence with government counterparts to seek assurance over the
process and plan to pursue it through the courts if they are not satisfied.
Kasra Nouroozi, a Mishcon de Reya partner, said: 'We must ensure that
the Government follows the correct process to have legal certainty and protect
the UK Constitution and the sovereignty of Parliament in these unprecedented
'The result of the Referendum is not in doubt, but we need a process
that follows UK law to enact it.
'The outcome of the referendum itself is not legally binding and for the
current or future prime minister to invoke Article 50 without the approval of
Parliament is unlawful.
'We must make sure this is done properly for the benefit of all UK
citizens. Article 50 simply cannot be invoked without a full debate and vote in
'Everyone in Britain needs the Government to apply the correct
constitutional process and allow Parliament to fulfil its democratic duty which
is to take into account the results of the referendum along with other factors
and make the ultimate decision.'
Sources at the firm said 'hundreds' more Britons (traitors) had come forward
wanting to join the action since it had emerged publicly.
But they said the identities of those involved would be confidential
unless the issue ended up in a public court battle.
The sources also refused to say whether the firm was funding the action,
or was being paid by the individuals and businesses.
EU governments have put pressure on London to invoke Article 50 as soon
as possible to ensure a speedy withdrawal as the negotiating process takes up
to two years.
Formally launching her Tory leadership bid this morning, Ms Leadsom
reiterated that she wanted to trigger Article 50 as soon as possible.
'I intend to keep the negotiations as short as possible,' she said.
'Neither we, nor our European friends, need prolonged uncertainty and not
everything needs to be negotiated before Article 50 is triggered, and the exit
process is concluded.'

Offensive isn’t it, the pile of poo laid on top of our national flag, but that’s probably a great representation of how things are here in the UK today. Perhaps a Banana Republic would of been a much softer label for this ever declining country?
The row over who triggers Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty may seem
technical - but it could be crucial to our future relationship with the EU.
It had been widely assumed that the Prime Minister would be able to
notify fellow leaders of our intention to leave at a Brussels summit.
Many believe the premier can do that under so-called royal prerogative -
the same powers that allow him to declare war on the country's behalf.
But the Mischon action challenges that notion, arguing that in fact only
parliament can consent to Article 50 being invoked.
The lawyers say a Commons vote would be required - and as only a quarter
of MPs supported Brexit they may not willingly comply.
Pro-EU politicians could gang up to delay the process indefinitely on
the grounds that the country is not ready to start leaving.
Or they could use the vote as leverage to demand the government
negotiates terms that keep us tied in as closely as possible to the EU.
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