by Martin Edwards, 12/6/15
For decades now we've CONTROLLED all the mainstream media and fed you a controlled diet of half truths and lies.
We have already trained tens of thousands of your LEADERS who we've parachuted into the key jobs and who already do our bidding.
We are masters of camouflage and deception. You can't recognise us even when we stand beside you. In public we empathise and support you. In private WE DESPISE YOU, YOUR VALUES and YOUR BELIEFS.
We've DISCREDITED the major institutions of your society so that you are forever demanding retribution and reform. We've published reports of financial and other corruption within Government, the banks, the Police, your local Council, the Church and the judiciary to name but a few. SEX SCANDALS were added to the mix for added effect.
We've introduced terrorism onto your streets in order to instill fear into your minds and disarm you.
We've dismantled border control, created and staffed strategic migration partnerships and flooded YOUR country with foreign workers of OUR CHOOSING. Then we suppressed your language, culture and your religion. And still you slept.
We've introduced NEW LAWS to protect so called minority interests whilst all the time OUR REAL AGENDA was to DESTROY THE MORAL VALUES OF YOUR SOCIETY.
In every region we have already identified and trained over 5,000 COMMUNITY ORGANISERS. You didn't notice because we have kept you mesmerised by Coronation street, X-factor, Eastenders and footie.
We have MANIPULATED THE ECONOMY by creating MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR (when we liked) and generating both abundance and public confidence. Then we deliberately deflated the economy in the name of prudence and created a period of AUSTERITY AND SCARCITY.
This gave us the excuse to radically reform public services and blend the state with the private sector. We 'puffed' this up as PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS. We claimed that you would benefit from efficiencies. WE LIED. The effect of course was the opposite. We created entities which were neither accountable to you and you had no power to remove. We simply re-badged these entities and used them as vehicles to line the pockets of our allies.
In three decades we have EXPORTED the majority of your productive jobs abroad whilst at the same time we used the cover of a BLOATED PUBLIC SECTOR to disguise our actions.
We have issued FALSE SCIENTIFIC REPORTS which has demonised the smoker, the obese and those who fail to follow LIFESTYLE CHOICES that WE DEFINE. If you need medical treatment and you are obese or you smoke we laugh as we deny you treatment. We sponsor societal division by pouring money into fake charities who recruit an army of busybodies to nudge, bully and harass you.
We have deliberately engineered a savage rise in energy prices and combined this with massive scaremongering about the dangers of uncontrolled climate change. We've convinced your children that WE CAN CONTROL the weather and that THEY MUST CONTROL YOUR BEHAVIOUR. Your children know the TRUTH because they can see the windfarms we've built in the countryside and offshore. We've taught them to nag you for using the car too often, for failing to turn off the lights or FOR not re-cycling your waste properly. Your Children already BELONG TO US.
We've fed some of you with the details of the new financial systems that YOU WILL DEMAND when WE CRASH AND BURN THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM. Be in no doubt. We've left the evidence in clear sight so that you can't see it.
We've recently been talking about ENERGY SECURITY but you're no longer listening.
WE KNOW that you will willingly SURRENDER YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY in order to occupy one of the hyper-energy efficient SMART homes that we've already built around you. We called these 'affordable housing' so you wouldn't notice. WE ARE really SMART you see!!
Only when faced with that choice will you wake up and try to resist.
But by then it will all be too late.
YOU will all be COLD, HUNGRY and in the DARK.
Like Animals, most will follow the path we have already placed in front of you.
Of course there have always been those among you who we have not been able to deceive so easily. These lookouts have told you for years that danger has been all around you. It was easy for US to neutralise THEM. We simply branded them as CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.
They won't be so lucky at the APPOINTED HOUR.
YOU won't find THEM so who will you ask for help?
Clever wasn't it.
And when this TRAN(ce)FORMATION of SOCIETY takes place many of you will EMBRACE the following.
1) There will be NO NATION STATES. There will be UNITY and DIVERSITY of people in the GLOBAL COMMUNITY. PEACE will prevail.
This will be the price YOU WILL ALL PAY.
2) There will be NO PRIVATE PROPERTY. All land and buildings will belong to the COMMUNITY COLLECTIVE.
3) NO HUMAN ACTIVITY of any sort will take place in any global locality unless a PERMIT has been issued.
4) You will WORSHIP GAIA 'Mother Earth' and NO OTHER.
5) You will be SELECTED for any work of OUR CHOOSING. Any work you do will be for THE COMMON GOOD.
6) Your life and those of your children and grandchildren will belong to US.
YOU will be obliged to follow OUR LEADERS for you will have NO LEADERS OF YOUR OWN
Those of you who don't WON'T BE SO LUCKY.
Now why on earth would anyone want to resist such a Golden opportunity????
The only question you need an answer to is this:
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