A last cuddle for a poor baby, just a few hours old, before being torn from loving parents.
Watch this, listen, and then act. (go to 15 minutes in, for statements by Brian Gerrish and Louise at UK Column Live TV.
It is hard to believe in the NGO, charitable trust-loving, quangocrisy that the UK has now become, that there is NOT ONE SINGLE 3rd SECTOR ORGANISATION SUPPORTING THESE POOR YOUNG PARENTS! NOT ONE! How bloody disgraceful is that?
Tibetan charities that support Tibetans in China, Nepal and India, etc. have they shown any support for this woman of Tibetan descent?
Justice charities, the anti-racist charities? Disabled rights charities? The poor mum has mild learning disabilities and just needs a little support which is what I thought our tax money should be spent on??!! Her poor husband is heartbroken, why is this happening, they have never hurt a child, they are not druggies or axe-murderers! Taking their children like this is a criminal act, I am sickened...

Paul Roberts bravely standing up, in vain, to at least 3 social workers, one of them a man over 6 ft tall (centre) and at least 2 police officers, one of whom is over 6ft tall.
The police and social workers here may not realise it but they have
become the 'useful idiots' of the Elite, and are not the public servants
of the past that we used to rely and depend on, and trust.
It is highly likely that UK social services (just like every other public sector dept. in existence - the NHS is another) as we know them are currently being systematically trashed from within by Common Purpose-types, in order for these once great institutions (that did not do a perfect job but at least they tried to, and were covered by the Freedom of Info Act 2000) to be discredited and declared old, unfit and too expensive, so that a modern, new NGO (unaccountable under the FoI Act 2000) can take over their duties and responsibilities. Then the big-time fiddling can really commence. Every branch of our public sector is being dismantled so "the community" and its stakeholders can take over - like the Borg! And divert money and resources away from us to .......? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZEJ4OJTgg8
It is highly likely that UK social services (just like every other public sector dept. in existence - the NHS is another) as we know them are currently being systematically trashed from within by Common Purpose-types, in order for these once great institutions (that did not do a perfect job but at least they tried to, and were covered by the Freedom of Info Act 2000) to be discredited and declared old, unfit and too expensive, so that a modern, new NGO (unaccountable under the FoI Act 2000) can take over their duties and responsibilities. Then the big-time fiddling can really commence. Every branch of our public sector is being dismantled so "the community" and its stakeholders can take over - like the Borg! And divert money and resources away from us to .......? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZEJ4OJTgg8
This is the only reason I can think of that makes any sense at all of cruel and inhumane incidents like these! Paul Roberts and his family are collateral damage in a the huge power struggle of our civilisation!
We have to fight it, how is the question?
Here is another aspect of communitarian change : Self-regulation with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) together with whistleblowing legislation is replacing the work of the old-fashioned regulatory depts. in all sorts of areas now.
Everything is being destroyed, Norman Dodd, warned us years ago, we did not listen, now we urgently need to:
And now Paul and Asha Roberts, whose baby has been stolen, are interviewed by Brian Gerrish of the UK Column,
Just a thought, would you be able to post pictures of all the Judges, Social workers and policemen / women who have acquiesced to this vile crime and destroy their anonymity ?