Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Friday, September 4, 2015

Hungary. Chubby Fatso & Amply-Proportioned Wife; Pathetic Melodrama For Press

You are having a laugh, aren’t you?  Why are we falling for this gormless crap? 

Distraught?  HARROWING SCENES?  More like hilarious! 

Look closely at this pot-bellied, chubby fatso and his amply-proportioned wife putting on a pathetic melodrama, an act purely for the cameras; these two tubbies are hardly deprived refugees are they? NO!
And the baby banged his head on the rail – so they are also unfit, abusive parents who need the child taken off them, for a start!  

All that energy, to scream and shout, leap about and fight for what they want.  HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE MALTREATED OR IN NEED?  We are being conned!  These would-be immigrants do not want to go to the safety and control of a camp.  No, they want to just go into European society without being properly processed and are screaming their demands until they get what they want!  


Because practically all of these are Muslim men and they are murderers, IMHO!  Just like in the former Yugoslavia, these Muslims have turned on their Christian neighbours and murdered them, egged on by their Demonic wives and mothers! Now they are scared because the Russians are getting involved and nobody loves bureacracy more then the Russsians.  The law in Syria might soon be restored and could catch up with them and then the truth of their crimes will come out – so they run away like cowardly rats pretending to be victims!  And mugs like us fall for it!


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