Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

ISIS Nuclear TSUNAMI Will Kill Hundreds of Millions

Nuclear TSUNAMI: ISIS wants to wipe hundreds of millions from face of the earth

ISLAMIC State is a ‘nuclear tsunami’ that wants to wipe hundreds of millions from the face of the earth in the biggest religious holocaust the world has ever seen.

The claim comes from a veteran German journalist who is the only reporter to have been allowed to operate as an ‘embed’ with ISIS and escape alive.  Jürgen Todenhöfer, 75, a former MP with Angela Merkel's CDU party, became a reporter in 2000 and has specialized in war reporting.

He spent 10 harrowing days on the ISIS frontline, dodging bullets and death threats, while being chauffeured around by none other than the UK’s own scumbag traitor 'Jihadi John' – real name Mohammed Emwazi.

Todenhöfer’s conclusions – detailed in a book called 'Inside IS - Ten Days In The Islamic State' - make chilling reading.

He believes the west cannot militarily defeat the self-styled Caliphate rulers and writes: “The terrorists plan on killing several hundred million people.

"The west is drastically underestimating the power of ISIS."
Shockingly, he even compares them to a "nuclear tsunami preparing the largest religious cleansing in history."
Critics say Todenhöfer, 75, was only allowed to get so close to ISIS because of his reputation as a vociferous critic of U.S. policy in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But he said: "This project was opposed by my family for seven months.
"My son ultimately accompanied me - against my will. He meant to protect me. And he filmed there."

He managed to make contact with his family only once, from an Internet cafe on the third day following their arrival, but their mobile phones were taken from them by their hosts.

He said”  "My family didn't hear from us for seven days. It was very difficult for my daughters."
Todenhöfer added the trip came about after intense negotiations with "the leadership of the Caliphate, via Skype, over several months, hammering out the security details."

He made his will before leaving and said: "Of course I'd seen the terrible, brutal beheading videos and it was of course after seeing this in the last few months that caused me the greatest concern in my negotiations to ensure how I can avoid this. Anyway, I made my will before I left.

"People there live in shellholes, in barracks, in bombed-out houses. I slept on the floor, if I was lucky on a plastic mattress. I had a suitcase and a backpack, a sleeping bag.

"My impressions?  That they are much stronger than we here believe.

“They now control land greater in size than the United Kingdom and are supported by an almost ecstatic enthusiasm the like of which I've never encountered before in a war zone.

“Every day hundreds of willing fighters from all over the world come.

"The beheadings have been established as a strategy which they wanted to spread fear and terror among their enemies. This worked well - look at the capture of Mosul taken with less than 400 fighters!

"They are the most brutal and most dangerous enemy I have ever seen in my life.

"I don't see anyone who has a real chance to stop them.  Only Arabs can stop IS. I came back very pessimistic."

You can buy a copy of Inside IS: Ten Days In the Islamic State HERE

Petitions you can sign, here:-


The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.

Judicial Watch - Obama Administration Gave as Many as 1,519 Terrorists Asylum in the United States in 2014, Documents Reveal

As if the President Obama’s sweeping amnesty measures haven’t compromised national security enough, the administration let 1,519 “inadmissible” foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed “while under duress.”
Before the Obama administration tweaked a federal law last year, these foreign nationals would have been banned from the country for supporting terrorist causes. But under the changes the Secretary of Homeland Security has “discretionary authority” to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility relating to terrorism. We’ve seen this discretionary authority abused in the last few years and in fact, the administration has eliminated a zero tolerance policy for granting asylum or residency to individuals who have provided any sort of terrorism-related support……


The Invasion of Europe

Monday, September 28, 2015

'Teen' Syrian refugee exposed as an adult bodybuilder and former soldier...

5 Things the Media Won't Report About the Refugee Crisis

Mark Zuckerberg Caught on Hot Mic Saying Facebook Will Censor Anti-Migrant Posts

Facebook CEO tells German chancellor “we need to do some work”

Mikael Thalen
Prison    September 28, 2015

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was caught discussing the censorship of anti-migrant posts at the United Nations development summit Saturday while speaking with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

According to CNBC, the pair were caught on a hot mic after Merkel confronted Zuckerberg on social media posts critical of “the wave of Syrian refugees entering Germany.”

After being asked about Facebook’s efforts to curtail speech, Zuckerberg stated, “We need to do some work,” confirming he’d already started looking at ways to hinder comments in opposition to Merkel’s immigration stance.

“Are you working on this?” Merkel asked. “Yeah,” Zuckerberg responded before their microphone was cut.
In response to the shocking revelation, media outlets such as Bloomberg immediately leapt to the defense of the tech giant, insinuating that any critique of the German government’s response to the migrant crisis would be “racist” and “xenophobic.”

Only just last week, an article by Infowars’ Kit Daniels examining the pope’s controversial comments on mass immigration was pulled and barred from Facebook without explanation.

Since the migrant crisis began, news outlets across the globe have both covered up crucial facts, specifically NATO’s responsibility in destabilizing Syria, and gone out of their way to outright ignore any stories that highlight the criminal acts of migrants.

Zuckerberg’s penchant for censoring speech deemed politically incorrect is unsurprising given his meeting late last year with Lu Wei, the czar of China’s authoritarian Internet censorship system.

Open letter to Jeremy Corbyn

Open letter to Jeremy Corbyn              2/9/15

Solutions not Hope to end Austerity!

An open letter to Jeremy Corbyn about People’s Quantitative Easing and the hidden truth about our nation’s money creation and money supply that will put an immediate end to austerity.

Dear Jeremy,

Let me say right from the outset that your election as leader of the Labour Party would be a very welcome change indeed from what has gone before.  But there is an essential and immediate caveat to this support - a caveat which must be addressed and made public so that people can fully understand the real challenge facing all of humanity today!

And that caveat is this – during your campaign you have repeatedly offered your potential voters the word ‘hope’.  With the greatest of respect, this is a word that is always used by empty and powerless politicians in order to entrap and ensnare people to vote for them…. and you have only to look at the current US President for absolute proof of this. The people do not need ‘hope’, what they do need are solutions and the truth!

Empty and powerless politicians?  Here in Great Britain?  I’m afraid to say ‘yes’, because the ultimate power to govern the British people does not lie with our democratically elected representatives in Parliament, it lies with the dynastic bankers and financiers in the City of London.  The so-called ‘Square Mile’ has evolved over the centuries into becoming the very centre of the global banking and financial system that drives and controls the entire world’s economy.  

This system, a system that allows the ‘one per cent’ to rule over the rest of humanity, has created for nearly all of us a nightmare situation. Centered around the controversial process of ‘globalization’, this system has but one ultimate objective – to deceive the peoples of the world into accepting eventual global governance on its own corporate and financial terms, terms that defy common sense and common decency and that George Orwell would immediately recognise!     

Sometimes referred to by senior politicians, like your former Prime-Minister Gordon Brown, as ‘The New World Order’, this elaborate system of complete corporate and financial control results in the entrapment, exploitation and enslavement of nearly all of humanity.  It creates dreadful unhappiness amongst ordinary decent people and causes wars, unemployment, starvation, pollution and environmental destruction – ‘fracking’ being just the latest example of this!  It feeds on greed, fear, stress and division. It bypasses and undermines accountable and democratic processes.  It forces people onto the corporate treadmills of mass mindless production to meet mass mindless consumerism whilst hoodwinking everyone into believing that there is an absolutely crucial ‘global economic race’ that we must all take part in and win at all costs.
It creates and uses secrecy, fear, lies, deception and intimidation at all times. It is a system that is so clever and so cunning that most of the world is still completely oblivious to its existence. It is a system that allows a few winners at the expense of a huge number of losers.  It is a system that considers itself to be unbeatable and indestructible and is now so arrogant that it believes it can control everything and everyone on its own terms and by its own rules.   It is a system that promotes huge transnational corporations at the expense of human-scale economies.   It is a system which selects and allows psychopaths, sociopaths and people of low empathy to flourish.  And here in Britain, as we are now discovering on almost a daily basis, it is a system so awful that it protects and controls its own criminality by creating and allowing the existence of Establishment-led paedophile rings – for once becoming involved with unspeakable child abuse, a system-serving ‘useful idiot’ is forever trapped to serve this global system of unlawful corporate debt creation and control!

And finally, this system has now become so embedded and so confident that transnational corporations are manoeuvring to ‘endgame’ by taking complete control over sovereign nation states.  High level politicians and lawyers are currently passing, in almost complete secrecy, international legislation (TTIP) that will allow corporations to legally (but quite definitely not lawfully!) dictate terms to sovereign nations, even when a government of such a nation has a lawful and democratic mandate from its people to reject such legislation.
This appalling situation for humanity has been allowed to happen because we, the British people, are totally ignorant of Fractional Reserve Lending!  We are totally ignorant of how the private corporate bankers and financiers in the City of London have perfected and utilised this simple device of creating and conjuring up money completely out of thin air as debt!  Not even the majority of bank employees know about this!  Quite simply Jeremy, as you well know yourself, just 3% of all the money in the UK is created as physical money (coins and notes) by the Bank of England on behalf of HM Treasury. The rest, 97%, is created by the private banks from absolutely nothing!  And the evidence for this is there for all to see and read….as the Bank of England says “Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money”.

This complete lack of awareness about how money is actually created also extends to our elected representatives, those MPs who are not actively and treasonously involved with paving the way for this Orwellian nightmare of global financial control.   It would seem that our decision-makers, not to mention system-serving economists and mainstream media opinion-formers, are all currently wading through a cesspit of woeful ignorance, selected memory and intellectual arrogance along with a smidgeon of cognitive dissonance.  And I’m afraid to say, Jeremy, that this would appear to include some of the well-meaning people and organisations that you have come to rely upon in your leadership campaign, including, it has to be said, Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK, Positive Money and The New Economics Foundation.
Understandably, you will initially reject this suggestion of doubt about the effectiveness of your advisors.  So I ask you to please just take a questioning look at the huge and provable deception that underpins the entire central banking system of the world. Deceived politicians and economists, not to mention almost the whole of humanity, all believe that the world’s central banks, such as the Bank of England, the Banque de France and the US Federal Reserve, are all primarily answerable to their sovereign nations and their elected political masters.  Nothing I’m afraid could be further from the truth! 

Despite appearances, these central banks are in fact fully fledged private banks and are ultimately controlled and run by the world’s major banking and financial dynasties including the House of Rothschild, the Warburgs and the Rockefellers.  These extremely powerful families are able to achieve this through their very little known and highly secretive Bank for International Settlements (BIS).  
Based in Basle, Switzerland, this organisation, by directly controlling sixty central banks, is able to oversee 95% of the world’s money supply.  When Mark Carney, the current Governor of the Bank of England, goes off to his high level, highly secretive bi-monthly BIS meetings in Basle to receive his instructions from the banking elite, are we seriously expected to believe that Chancellor George Osborne has the final say when it comes to decisions being made by the City of London’s Bank of England?  Common sense suggests that this is extremely unlikely!  And do the Directors of the Bank of England actually know what was said at these bi-monthly BIS meetings?  Do they all get to see the minutes of these high level, highly confidential get-togethers?  I ask this because one of your key union supporters, Dave Prentiss of UNISON, is actually one of those Directors! Please ask him about the BIS, I am intrigued to know what he is actually allowed to know!

And now we come to the ‘biggest lie’ that the City of London and its system of financial enslavement needs to perpetuate if it is to survive.  We are told repeatedly by our political and economic masters, sorry, repeaters, that if a country’s tax receipts and other forms of income are outweighed by the nation’s expenditure needs, then that nation’s government has to go to the private banking and financial sector to borrow money that has simply been conjured up out of thin air in order to make up the difference.  It’s all a scam!

And that scam is currently costing the British nation one billion pounds a week, or £52 billion a year, just to pay the interest back to the banksters for something that never actually existed in the first place!  Please, Jeremy, on becoming the leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition, the exposure of this appalling scam has to be your number one priority, especially as you are already familiar with the historical solution which, once restored, would permanently deal with the City of London by putting to an end its completely fraudulent debt-creating system.

You know Jeremy, as do now a growing number of people on a daily basis, that any sovereign nation has the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to issue and control its own debt-free and interest-free money through its treasury based on the wealth, integrity and potential of that nation.  Called sometimes National or Public Credit, you also know that this form of money creation has been repeatedly attempted before throughout history before being snuffed out by the private central banks as they attempt to keep humanity on course for global debt servitude and financial serfdom.

But, most importantly of all, you know about the British solution for dealing with the City of London once and for all!  On the 18th November 2013, you signed Early Day Motion 748 highlighting the centenary of the 1914 Bradbury Pound.  It read as follows:
That this House notes that the hundredth anniversary of the Bradbury Pound on 7 August 2014 is a welcome reminder of the historic precedent for public credit as the sound basis for debt-and interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing bank money; congratulates the Forum for Stable Currencies for having promoted the public credit since 2002; and urges HM Treasury to follow John Bradbury's model and address social, economic and political issues across party lines in one fell swoop and avoid wholly unnecessary austerity cuts.

The debt-free, interest-free, Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound is an undeniable historical fact that worked brilliantly at the outbreak of the Great War.  It was only phased out when the private bankers realised that they couldn’t make a killing out of the killing on the Western Front!  The full story of this virtually unknown historical fact can be found here:

Jeremy, you come across as a man of principle and integrity who will only go where the truth takes him.  Your aforementioned financial advisors, I’m sure, also believe they too are highly principled and truthful.   But I’m afraid the historical and factual evidence would suggest otherwise!  They must embrace the big and much wider picture if they are to get anywhere near where the truth is. They cannot go on ignoring the machinations of the Bank for International Settlements and they cannot go on ignoring the reality of the central banking system.  To have what they believe to be solutions, such as ‘People’s Quantitative Easing’, that fully involve the Bank of England is simply crazy and it unfortunately exposes their complete lack of proper research and understanding of what is really happening.   

The sheer simplicity and effectiveness of National or Public Credit to provide a nation’s debt-free liquidity for a prosperous economy is unquestionable.  Embracing such a system today is just simple common sense!  And this straightforward ‘printing of money’ will not lead to any sort of problematic inflation – hyper or otherwise.  If a government actually governs and uses intelligent and targeted taxation to remove any inflationary heat from the economy, you will have all your national needs met along with prosperity for all.  And most important of all, the City of London and the debt-creating private bankers and financiers would become impotent and powerless – their system that’s taking humanity towards corporate global governance on their terms would collapse like a pack of cards.  A full description of how the restoration of the simple Bradbury Pound would achieve this can be found here in my new e-book just published by the British Constitution Group and the UK Column

As I wrote at the beginning of this open letter, your election as Labour leader would be a most welcome change.  But, and I believe you will support me in this, your vision for what the future should be for our country and the world must be based entirely on where common sense, common decency and the truth lies.  If you don’t, then the global financial system will continue with its appalling agenda of corporate enslavement for the peoples of the world, and austerity will always be with us, it will never go away!
I look forward very much to your positive and considered response to this letter,

With all best wishes,

Justin Walker  

UK Column News. Monday 28 September 2015

"They are cowards so don't resign in disgust, stay in your position and stand up to them, and they will back off,"Justin Walker.

New (orOld?) Labour's Corbyn - U turns, hypocrisy.
Cameron - Assad-bashing! - more hypocrisy...... 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thanks Jews! [Public Service Announcement]

Sweden, Rape Risen by 1400% Due to Muslims....

Swedish girls Malin and Amanda were on their way to a party on New Year’s Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants. Sweden’s largest newspaper (jewspaper!) has presented the perpetrators as “two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia”, a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden.  

Dear Editor,
Since admitting migrants into their country, the crime of rape in Sweden has risen by 1400%.  Apparently blonde hair is taken as a sign of being a woman with loose morals, and many Swedish women are now dyeing their hair black to escape the unwanted  attentions of sex starved men. 
Image result for welcome migrants 
Loony-Lefties Welcome to Scumbags!

Muslim Refugees Welcome, Please Rape and Kill Us All

Now, most unsurprisingly, German women are also coming under siege as migrants enter their country.  When will Angela Merkel and all her EU cohorts understand that their prime function is to protect their own people.  It is very clear up to now that they clearly couldn’t give a fig for their own people, if they had, they would never have let even one of these migrants into their country.  For those who would say, “what about the Christians”?  There is no need to worry, they will have all been thrown into the sea to drown by the Muslims.

Christian migrants 'thrown overboard in religious clash' | euronews, world news