(but not his own blood, toil, tears and sweat - just everyone else's!!!!)
Sir Mervyn King (twat) announced in April 2013 that the ghastly turd that was zionist Sir Winston Churchill, will replace the fabulous Christian social reformer Elizabeth Fry on the face of the new UK five pound notes from 2016.
Whose feckin stupid idea is this?
Is this a feckin joke? No, sadly it is not!
Do a search on Google or Yahoo about 'Winston Churchill and banknotes' and it is TRULY amazing to see how many deluded, idiotic, pig-ignorant people actually, TRULY believe the total B.S.the repulsive propaganda concerning this Churchill-bloke - this depraved, sick monster from hell, this downright mass-murderous traitor to the British people and her allies. The thought of this wicked, demonic Churchill arsehole being on any banknote is an outright obscenity! He, as Lord of the Admiralty, practically single-handedly brought America into the 1st WW by his "secret" messages to British merchant sea captains to deliberately ram German Uboats! (One of these captains slipped a copy of this message to the Germans, he was so absolutely disgusted by it!!!) Until this time, the German Gov. had a strict policy of not attacking merchant shipping and passenger liners. Why? Can you believe that the Germans actually believed that the British Government was full of decent "gentlemen" who believed in fair play and were honest and respectable!! The poor Germans could not have been more wrong! Sad, deluded things! By instructing British sea captains of ocean-going liners to attack german Uboats Churchill ensured that the Lusitania sinking happened. It was due entirely to his recklesss provocation which, in fairness, a few others in the British Gov. did, at that time, oppose. See:- http://www.gwpda.org/naval/lusika02.htm and
BTW, this 'hero' Churchill started WW2, not Hitler! He also managed to make an absolute fortune for himself (and his zionist banker mates) from both world wars! And throughout WW2, this sicko's weekly bill for booze, prostitutes (male) and gambling was more than an average working class man's annual income!! WHAT A HERO, eh? Shaggin, boozin and gambling while people died in their thousands around the world as the months went by!!!
I would rather see the Kray Twins or the Great Train Robbers on a banknote than this repulsive devil incarnate.
Are we all completely insane, here in the UK?
Yes, we bloody are!
Here's a start, read this and learn.....
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