A brilliant article, I like pages 119 - 125,
"the person who becomes his own god will have to provide his own salvation, too.....and that is a tall order.'
'The Society that moves away from Christ will be guilt-ridden, masochistic and weak - in other words, liberal. Its politics will be the machinations of blackmailers masquerading as victims.'
"..how many of the intellectual gurus of the modern era have conformed truth to their own desires. Jones research reveals how Margaret Mead, Alfred Kinsey, and other prominent trend-setters intentionally lied in their research in order to justify their own sexual immorality. Sadly, contemporary culture has swallowed their findings, leading many to conclude that sexual immorality is both normal and legitimate." Tim Garrett, Probe Ministries.
How gullible and trusting we have been, we need to develop scepticism.
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