Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Friday, January 17, 2014

Professor Tony Martin v 12 Years A Slave


'12 Years a Slave,' will I be able to stomach this film?
Apparently, '12 Years A Slave' has no references to the almost exclusively Jewish role in setting up and running the shameful business of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.  From what I gather about it, this film, instead, reinforces the deeply mistaken view that the American and Caribbean slave trade was the creation of British/European white Christian men.  This was not the case.
The film does, however, apparently contain nasty, inaccurate digs at Christianity through scenes where stereotypically bad, white "Christian" men use out-of-context quotes from the Bible to justify their wicked brutality.

For these reasons it is bound to be acclaimed and win loads of Oscars and whatnots, isn't it?  

 I think I will probably give it a miss.

It is highly ironic that film, '12 Years A Slave' has been released in the UK almost one year to the very day, of Professor Tony Martin's passing away in Trinidad, in January 2013. 
During this last year, since Martin's death, someone has been very busy indeed, slandering the man, writing all sorts of pathetic rubbish about him on his Wikipedia page.  Surprise! The result is that the information on this web page is now heavily slanted in favour of Wellesley College and highly derogatory about Martin. Martin's Wikipedia page did not look like this while he was alive! As a barrister by training, he was highly litigious and would not have put up with it!
It might be a good idea to buy his books while we can.  Just like so many other writers of real history that have gone before him, I have a feeling this man and his works are on the 'Delete From history' pile!

Tony Martin was prevented from visiting London in 2003 by Ken Livingstone and Lee Jasper, at the behest of Louise Ellman MP. His responses to this ban are a delight to read.

In his response to Jasper, dated October 15, Prof. Martin said (inter alia):

"I thought that you were just another overwrought Jew who sees "antisemites" everywhere, an annoying though partly explicable phenomenon. Now, however, I discover that you are that most singular of that phenomenon, to wit a black talking head for Jewish ventriloquism. 

I wonder if anyone will ever make a biopic of Tony Martin?  Now that would be dramatic, and one film I would most certainly go to see!

 Professor Tony Martin seen here with Professor Bridget Brereton

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