Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fracking, and a water industry con?


By selling off our water companies to private set-ups,


The French-owned water companies in the UK welcome the contamination of the water system by fracking here, remembering that these same companies supply water in France that is undrinkable! 
Their shareholders are the same people that own the Swiss multibillion dollar bottled water companies! 

They want our UK water supply to be ruined!  So they can shaft us all!

Within ten years or less you will not be able to drink water from the tap in this country.
But no fracking in France or other European countries where special bore holes are used for the Water Bottling industry!
Don’t you think these foreign water companies resent having to spend more money purifying the water here in the UK than in their own country! 
It is the same reason that pipelines in Africa are years behind schedule, most of the undeveloped World [never will be] are using bottled water which are making vast profits for the NWO, or the JWO as some refer to it, the so-called "Swiss owned" companies.

Pass this on,  please, and start thinking about how we put a stop to this fracking wickedness,

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