Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Friday, March 4, 2016

Blair and his 2 million illegal rapeyougees

Gilad Atzmon.
Gilad Atzmon on Multiculturalism

According to The Daily Mail, PM Tony Blair conspired to flood Britain with immigrants in order to impose a multicultural society on the Brits. Yesterday, the paper published a chapter from Tom Bower's explosive new biography of Tony Blair. The paper’s subtitle reads: “Conman Blair's cynical conspiracy to deceive the British people and let in 2 million migrants against the rules.”

According to Bower, Blair secretly instructed ministers to waive tens of thousands of asylum seekers into the UK, by reclassifying them as ‘economic migrants.’ Blair planned to “change the face of Britain for ever with mass immigration.” He ordered his Labour government never to discuss in public the supposed advantages of the unprecedented influx.

If Tom Bower’s account is correct then the criticism levelled by right wing ideologists and so-called ‘bigots’ against Labour and the left is valid. The Labour government that purported to care for the lower classes, implemented radical measures designed to destroy the cohesion of the working people and dismantle their political power. Thanks to Blair and his Labour government, the British working classes have been reduced to a workless under-class!

Stephen Boys Smith, who was then head of the Home Office’s immigration directorate, said about Barbara Roche, a little-known Jewish MP who was immigration minister between 1999 and 2001: ‘It was clear that Roche wanted more immigrants to come to Britain. She didn’t see her job as controlling entry into Britain, but by looking at the wider picture in a “holistic way” she wanted us to see the benefit of a multicultural society.’

According to the Mail, “Britain’s borders had been thrown open for ideological reasons.” And if this needs official confirmation, former Labour speechwriter Andrew Neither said the aim was to “rub the right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.”

According to Bower, Blair thought that immigration was ‘good for Britain’ and his silence on immigration issues “encouraged Muslims and Hindus to believe there was no need for them to integrate with the rest of society.” Bower provides more evidence to support his claim. ‘Why don’t we stipulate that immigrants must speak English before we grant them British nationality? To make British nationality a prize?’ suggested immigration chief, Tim Walker. ‘No,’ was Jack Straw’s reply. In public, Home Secretary Straw was keen to show he wasn’t an easy touch. There should be stronger controls at the borders, he told the Commons. Yet behind the scenes, he continued to make it easier for asylum seekers. And harder for (Home Office) officials.

This requires an explanation. Why did Blair, Straw, Roche and others go out of their way to suffocate Britain with economic immigrants? Shouldn’t Left politicians focus on the interests of British workers? It is no secret that Left and Labour movement relationships with working people are problematic--it is dotted with mistrust. For some reason, the working class refuse to subscribe to ‘working class politics’, they tend to vote for the Tories. The worker is too often conservative, nationalist and patriotic, he and she are not as revolutionary as Marx and Trotsky suggested. The worker reads The Sun and the Daily Mail. The worker is not very interested in The Guardian or the Miliband dynasty. For the British lower classes the Union Jack is more meaningful than LGBT ideology, sectarian ID Political nonsense or Eric Hobsbawm’s ‘proletarian’ history. Working class people have no need to identify ‘as working people.’ They know who they are.

The story may be even more devastating. The Mail’s story suggests that at the time Blair & Co. conspired to destroy Britain’s working class, the Labour Friends of Israel and Lord Levy were his prime funders. It is known that Jewish left and Jewish academia have been at the forefront of multi cultural and immigration advocacy (in spite of the fact that the Jewish State's attitude towards immigrants is uniquely aggressive on the verge of barbarian). Like Labour, Jewish academia and the Jewish left are also suspicious of the ‘lower’ classes. After all, in the past it has been the working classes that have united against the Jews. Jewish lobbies have been supporting immigration and have historically joined forces with Left politicians. Officially this advocacy is accompanied by an ethical argument. There are strong ethical arguments in support of asylum seekers. But the argument in support of economic migration is political rather than moral or ethical.

In 2003 Tony Blair led Britain into a Ziocon criminal war at the same time that the Labour Friends of Israel were his prime funders and Lord Cashpoint Levy was his chief fundraiser. We may want to verify whether it was the LFI, Lord Cashpoint, Minister Barbara Roche and Jack Straw who led Britain into a multi cultural experiment together with Tony Blair. We may want to understand what exactly they had in mind. Did they try to save Britain or to weaken some elements within British society?

I admit that at the time that I became a British citizen, Blair was at the helm. I was hailed as one of the heroes of British multiculturalism: the Guardian of Judea praised my work and the British Council shipped my band and me around the world. Of course, it didn’t take me long to burn that bridge. All I had to do was relate what I thought of Blair and multiculturalism.

Horrible, random murder: Iranian migrant pushes 20-year old German woman...

Woman on the street interview Germany 2

Man on the street interviews with Germans about migrants and safety

Is Donald Trump another Obama?

Will the long series of America's
traitor presidents remain unbroken?

By John Kaminski

The only thing worse than being blind
is having sight but no vision.
—Helen Keller

America will never be well until the truth comes out about World War II, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the false flag tragedy of September 11, 2001. So, in all likelihood, until that sad day when it finally falls completely apart, the United States of America will never again be well.
Certainly none of the demagogues now campaigning for president in 2016 are willing to reveal the true history of the USA, and how over the last 150 years it has gradually been taken over and plundered by the same ruthless class of power brokers who are now funding, in one way or another, all these deceitful candidates themselves.
I've spent the last ten years trying to convince people that very rich Jewish power brokers have controlled every aspect of American society for more than a century — and I've failed.
It doesn't matter what you say or how much evidence you have. The public clings to denial, shakes its collective head and calls you crazy. Americans have been indoctrinated too well by a lifetime of twisted information produced by Jewish media and by politicians paid by Jews to accept the contention that Jews want to totally control and murder everybody who is not Jewish or not useful to Jews as slaves.
The combined weight of slanted propaganda, virtually all of which is produced by Jews or their lackeys, and the very real fear of fatal consequences — specifically surreptitious murders that can never be solved — keep people in line, heads down, eyes closed, lips sealed real tight.
Their attempt to avoid the kosher killing machine will not last much longer.
Back in 2008, Barack Obama came out of nowhere to win the presidency over a moribund Republican named John McCain, who was so corpselike that the snazzy Obama couldn't help but win. At least Obama had a pulse. His opponent did not.
Enthusiastic supporters cheered Obama's campaign slogan of "Change", with the implication being that he would dismantle and curtail the barbaric activities of his predecessor, George W. Bush, who up until that time had been seriously considered the worst president of all time (at least by me).
Too stupid to control his own government, Bush turned the reins over to the demonic Dick Cheney, who consorted with the most evil people on the planet to murder 3,000 Americans right in the middle of New York City for the simple reason to sell more weapons to everybody in the world, and to use them on people who didn't deserve to be murdered.
With the perspective of a decade and more, the whole world can see now the suspicious actions of U.S. government prior to, during, and following the events of 9/11/2001, and then all the lies that were told to trigger the unjust invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq that followed.
Although he was too stupid to devise the scheme himself, the younger Bush was clearly implicated in the caper in what was probably the greatest lie and definitely the greatest crime in American history.
So we thought all these terrible things would change with the election of Obama, but like a Florida roofing contractor who got paid before he finished the job, things didn't turn out that way.
Obama didn't change anything. Following the worst U.S. president of all time, this unknown, undocumented, secret senator from Illinois, Indonesia and presumably Kenya turned out to be even worse than Bush, suspending basic Constitutional protections and congratulating homosexuals for coming out of the closet and helping to destroy the American family.
And four years later, to the lasting shame of the mental status of Americans, he was re-elected to a second term.
Totally bamboozled by media that have always kept Americans in the dark about what is really going on, after eight years in office the electorate still barely realizes that nothing concrete is really known about Obama, other than that his hatred of white people, which suits his Jewish masters and his Muslim advisers just fine.
The birth certificate he produced was a fraud, people suspect he is married to a transvestite man, the colleges he claims to have attended refuse to release his records, and the circumstances of his rapid rise through the corrupt Illinois political scene have not been concretely documented, or if they have, not widely disseminated.
Obama's negative impact on the moldering carcass of the American republic is incalculable. Bush the Younger began the gutting of Americans' Constitutional protections, but Obama — who concentrated mostly on playing golf and wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on expensive vacations for himself and his family — created unprecedented egregious offenses against the American people, foremost of which was his Executive Order declaring that he could kill anyone he wanted to without charges or a trial, vaporizing the main cornerstone of American freedom.
Moves to arrest Bush and his demonic vice president have been started in the state of Vermont and the nation of Germany, but after the next election, the treasonous behavior of Obama is sure to kindle similar efforts.
And what can be said of the American people who remain so disturbingly hypnotized by their corrupt media apparatus that they have allowed four mentally deranged misanthropes to serve in their land's highest office for a almost 30 years? What does that say about the psychological condition of the U.S. population?
Manipulated and demented
Americans can't take anymore reality-erasing medications because they're already maxed out, and are unable to focus on the fact that their food supply has been poisoned and their medical profession is working assiduously to assure future generations of Americans will be born and raised defective and retarded, making them perfect workers and recipients of welfare who will forever keep quiet in order to receive their benefits.
We can blame the media as much as we like for not telling us the whole truth about these men and what they've really done, but what kind of blame do Americans deserve for allowing Barack Obama to disgrace the office president while the citizens whom he controls do not demand answers to his own false history that he has presented to the world.
Along with Presidents Bush 2, Clinton 1 and Bush 1, their legacy in one of total damage while turning a serviceable republic into a destitute and deranged garbage dump that is falling apart with many of its residents facing starvation, disease and homelessness.
Which leads us to Donald Trump, blowing us kisses from the runaway train he is riding to the White House.
There is still the matter that he could face Hillary Clinton in the general election, and she would definitely represent a continuation of the lying oligarchs who continue to rob and kill us with increasing rapidity were she to win the election, which is entirely possible due to the vote counting corruption that renders the votes of all Americans meaningless relative to the final tally.
Another key fact in Hillary's continuing eligibility for the White House is that a long train of criminal actions by her have been arbitrarily dismissed by our corrupt law enforcement system.
And then there is the thought that it really doesn't matter who wins the general election for president, as Al Gore and John Kerry would have done just as much damage to the world and America as George Bush Jr. did, and John McCain and Mitt Romney would have been just as corrupt and sadistic as Obama, the foreign born man without a history, has been.
Donald Trump doesn't have any of the same issues as these aforementioned criminals have had, but he has many of the same relationships with the top level of the world's power brokers.
Scariest of all, this TV show of a campaign has created the same kind of irrational enthusiasm that bubbled up when the unknown candidate Obama first ran in 2008.
Sure, Donald Trump seems to be a nice guy (although to others, he seems to be a complete fake), and he speaks to some issues that resonate with the downtrodden and disenchanted Americans feeling that their government is enveloped in a giant and smelly cloud of lies. But that's the way everybody felt about Obama in 2008. And look what happened.
This not to say Trump is the same as Obama. But it is to say that closely examining a person's history and credentials should be mandatory for selecting the so-called leader of the free world, particularly since America has turned into (or perhaps always been) a raving monster who does the bidding of the Jewish bankers no matter how many innocent people need to be murdered.
More people are noticing that none of these candidates are speaking about the real issues, which involved tyrannical aggression against people both at home and abroad. Sadly, with the possible exception of Kasich, Trump seems to be the best of a bad bunch.
So that's the case with Trump. Sure, he'll tease around the edge of the 9/11, make fun of Dubya as a totally incompetent liar while his little brother twists in the wind, but now that Jebbie is out of the race, The Donald has set his sights on jailing Hillary, in trapping her in as many of her egregious lies as he possibly can (and good luck to him in that quest), but I'm not sure that's not what America needs at this precarious moment in its disintegrating history.
First and foremost, we need a no holds barred investigation of the 9/11 which will pretty much destroy the American government, because every public official in every office of every branch of government knows it was an inside job, planned by Israel and facilitated by the neocons. It aimed to make the Jewish financier Larry Silverstein a lot of money with the help of Jewish judges and lawyers, and it was designed to give carte blanche to the American military to invade any country it wanted to, all in service to Israel's demonic designs.
And Trump boasts he's going to make America's military stronger, when it already dwarfs the defense forces of any other country in the world? That's Trump promising more mass murder, more collateral damage, more pathological criminality in service to Israel and the rich Jews who control the world.
We have become so deluded by the misrepresentations of our media, our schools and our government that we think a good candidate for president is someone who can ridicule all other candidates out of the field, build a wall along the Rio Grande, and continue to ignore the problems of environmental disaster and the deliberate sabotage of the systems that keep us alive, adhering to the priorities of the Jewish destabilization template by getting ridding of all these proles who are cluttering up the world.
All of America venerates a man who has been backed by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers throughout his life and gotten rich through bankrupting casinos and following orders to turn America into a giant gambling mecca while its people starve in the streets (a Jewish wet dream if there ever was one).
He is the American dream personified, but owned by the nightmare outfit that has ruled and abused the world for more than two centuries.
Lots of people are going to vote for this fun guy who makes them forget that the USA is long dead, a subsidiary of the UN and the IMF. He'll probably still be president when the rest of us are penniless, dead and gone.
Think clearly about our recent history. After 30 years of Jewish hit men in the White House, are you really expecting a white knight to ride into Washington and clean up our country?
Are you smoking crack? If Trump were such a towering figure, don't you realize he'd be dead by now, assassinated just like Kennedy was, if he tried to make headway against the powers that be and stop the madness? He is owned by those people and will not fight them.
But hey, don't let me stop you from voting. As George Carlin once said before they killed him, the people who vote are the ones we can blame for all these problems.
See also
"Who Towers Behind Trump" 
by the late Michael Collins Piper
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise.