Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Gaddafi, Murdered by the Chosen Elite.

"We came, we saw, he died! " Ha ha ha ha ha ............!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jeremy Clarkson, Bonkers BBC has £Millions to Burn (all yours, of course!)

Savilesque, Shipmanesque, Ripperesque, Krayesque, etc.  – please don’t describe people as this!

March 16th 2015. What an arrogant, poisonous organisation the BBC is. The real dinosaur in the room that needs to be addressed is the BBC itself. To describe Jeremy Clarkson as 'Savile-esque' and to then have this reported across the press is both slander and libel.  
It is Defamation of Character.
Putting aside the incident itself - THIS deserves to go to court.

March 18th 2015. What did I say?
What did I say? ARE IDIOTS (Danny Cohen esq.) BEING EMPLOYED AT THE BBC - PEOPLE WHO COULD NEVER CRACK IT IN THE COMMERCIAL MARKET? Is there cronyism going on, nepotism, is the BBC just a gravy train for certain families/media dynasties? I think so! The BBC EMPLOYS IDIOTS, they are feckin stupid! Now the BBC really, really are in the SH*TE! How much more is this now going to waste of British tv licence-payers' money?  Just 'cos 2 guys were tired and lost control temporarily!  Suddenly, it's handbags at dawn!

Slander and libel cases cost a fortune, which is why it is the one area of the law that the UK's Legal Aid system will not go into - they cost an absolute fortune to sort out. The legal fees are astronomical and then there are the damages! Oh boy, BBC and your spokesperson who falsely likened Clarkson to Savile -WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU IRRESPONSIBLE, FAT-MOUTHED, DUMB IDIOTS?

‘Clarkson’s friends told the Daily Mail that he believes it was a source connected to the office of former Labour minister James Purnell, now the BBC's £295,000-a-year head of strategy.’

The WHAT?  "The BBC's £295,000-a-year head of strategy. " I repeat - Labour Minister James Purnell, "the BBC's £295,000-a-year head of strategy."  
Say what?  Head of Strategy @ £295,000!!!!!!!?????????????
£295 perhaps, but I have a big problem with those 3 zeros!

James Purnell, BBC's director of strategy and digital: "We've messed up, we're sorry"

The BBC has scrapped a £98m digital production system, which its director general said had "wasted a huge amount of licence fee payers' money".

Good riddance to James Purnell, by Medhi Hasan.

What the hell is going on, here?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Natacha Atlas New Massacre

Communitarianism and the Age of Irreverence.......

A small list of INCREDIBLY interesting articles found by NIKI RAAPANA on the subject of ISIS:-…/%E2%80%9Clasting-and-expandi…/

"All the communitarian programs designed to "help" the poor, another huge cash cow the upper class religious bigots are sucking on right now, are building the database program that runs the Agenda 21 vision. If we hold the poor in contempt, why should we care what happens to them? If the poor are used illegally as conscripts in government corporate data gathering operations, why should anyone care about their rights being violated? Stripping the humanity and dignity from the poor is building a great foundation for freedom, don't you agree? Liberty for some is better than liberty for none, right?" Niki Raapana.

What have all these wars got to do with communitarianism?

Toothy, talented famous British men, greatly loved, with great voices but with roots in the Middle East - Lebanon and Iran (Persia). Al Bowlly and Freddy Mercury. What would they have said about how their homelands have been blasted to hell and wrecked by the interfering and meddling West, had they lived to see it? What THE HELL are we doing, for God's SAKE?
What have all these wars got to do with communitarianism?