Niki Raapana, “Communitarianism is the fake political theory that advocates for a New World Order. Communitarians claim their theory represents a "balance" between selfish individualism and holistic communism. It is the new Machiavellian middle ground.”

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tibet, Latest News. Our Nation: Season 2, Episode 06.

New Director required for Free Tibet and Tibet Watch

Rules for Clever Rats

On a Psychopathic Monster called: Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky wrote a book called Rules For Rats, or some shit or other! Everyone of influence in the world of politics seems to admire this sociopathic deviant and his revolting ’work?’ He seems to be the latest political fad – Why, for crying out loud?

Who was this corrupt and poisonous ‘man?’ so beloved in the UK’s “Labour Party,” David Cameron’s “Conservatives” and by so-called, deep thinkers (nutters) in the “Liberal Party.” Alinsky is also highly revered by Bonk & Hitlery Clinton, Obummer, and a whole host of other wicked people of influence across our unfortunate planet.

Did Alinsky really learn everything he knew about manipulating and using people, while in prison, from Mafia chief Al Capone? Why are politicians across the world in thrall to the depraved ranting of this crook’s apprentice, Alinsky? Is it because they see ‘something of themselves,’ within Alinsky’s deeply toxic outpourings? Ha ha ha!

Lefty Saul Alinsky’s poisonous rot is absolutely riddled right through David Cameron’s Big Society (which is just a continuation of Blair’s Third Way dressed up to look Tory!) and also behind Common Purpose shite, the Localism and “the Community” movements, etc.

Excuse me – does any of this make sense to you? Once, the different political parties in the UK had different agendas and objectives from each other, didn’t they? So how long have they been hooked up like Samson and Delilah?

What is going on? I dare you to take the time to find out something you have been unaware of until now.
Something scandalous that is all true and happening right now - to you!

Midnight Cowboy:
You, and I, are the gullible and naive Joe Buck; streetwise and ruthless Ratso is the Rothschild bankers. He has worked out a multitude of ways to get money from your pockets and bank accounts into his. Jackie, the gay hooker, is the UK Column - trying to warn you about Ratso but will you listen? And how will you stop Ratso? Joe even ends up being smooth-talked into becoming his 'friend'! We are all currently the bankers pussies, when will we start scratching back? After all, we could devour these rats quite easily if we really wanted to

Britain, wind turbine falls over - in the wind!


The collapsed turbine at East Ash Farm in Bradworthy. Photo by Phil Ashmore

Climate scam.

A CONTROVERSIAL 80ft wind turbine has collapsed after being hit by heavy winds.
The £250,000 (€291,000) tower, which stood as tall as a six storey building, was hit by gale force gusts of 50mph.
The structure then collapsed at a farm in Bradworth, Devon, England leaving a "mangled wreck".
Margaret Coles, Chairwoman of Bradworthy District Council, said hail storms and strong winds have hit the area and the turbine, installed just three years ago, simply could not withstand the wind.
"The bolts on the base could not withstand the wind and as we are a very windy part of the country they [the energy company] have egg on their face," she said. "There are concerns about safety."
The Bradworthy Parish Council, who opposed the turbine, expressed concern that there was “nothing exceptional” in the speed of the winds.
Installed by renewable energy company Dulas it was supposed to have a life expectancy of 25 years.
They noted that “wind speeds are part of our root-cause investigation”.
It was erected in July 2010 despite fierce opposition from local residents, who said it would be a noise and visual nuisance.
Councillor Keith Tomlin said: "We are relieved that no one was injured. But had this happened in daytime there was a chance of serious injury to workers on the farm where it was located or to the public on the road nearby."

wind turbine falls over

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Michael George Bichard, Baron Bichard, KCB, Communitarian Idiot!


Prat of the Week - Michael George Bichard, Baron Bichard, KCB,

This week it goes to the hugely smug Lord Bichard, who is a former benefits chief and now sits on a quango looking at demographic changes and their impact on public services.

He has said that "retired people should do community work or face losing part of their pension so as not to be a burden on the state."

Firstly, the noble Lord should know that Pensioners have paid in for their pensions in good faith, having been told that National Insurance would give them a good pension. People have contributed for their pensions and it is their pension. It is not for the government to use as a carrot or a stick. During good times, the government should have built up a pension reserve rather than used pension funds for funding vanity projects like the millennium dome so that state pensions were not the giant scheme they are now.

Lord Bichard also needs reminding that community service is a judicial sanction judges can give criminals. Is being a pensioner therefore, going to be a criminal act in his brave new world?

In addition, it appears that his lordship is setting a perfect example, as at the ripe old age of 54 he retired from the Civil Service in May 2001 with a pension of £120,000 p.a.!

Lord Bichard
- well deserving Prat of the Week!

A cross party peer has proposed forced labour for pensioners after warning that elderly people are a burden on society.
Baron Bichard, who used to run the Benefits Agency, is a member of a committee investigating demographic changes and their impact on public services.
According to the BBC,  the former public sector boss turned toff, admitted it would be difficult for politicians to sell to the public,  but pointed out:  “So were tuition fees.”
Baron Bichard was close to David Blunkett whilst the seeds of today’s brutal welfare reforms were being planned.  As the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Education and Employment the then Sir Michael Bichard even attempted to help David Blunkett cover up for his long standing affair with a civil servant.  Bichard was well rewarded for his loyalty, being made a life peer in 2010.
Whilst Bichard has little influence in the current administration, his statement, which appears to be justified by current workfare schemes, is revealing:
“We are now prepared to say to people who are not looking for work, if you don’t look for work you don’t get benefits, so if you are old and you are not contributing in some way or another maybe there is some penalty attached to that.”
Whilst these plans are unlikely to see the light of day any time soon it is telling that a policy to work the elderly to death is even considered by an influential peer.  If a man who used to have significant responsibility for the benefits system is happy to make these vile opinions known in public, then what is being discussed behind the scenes must be truly chilling.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Gangs of homeless Romanian beggars sleeping rough are turning one of London's most expensive street into a 'disgusting health and safety hazard', it was claimed today.

A mother who tackled a leading historian on live television about immigration insisted recently that her family’s home town has become like a ‘foreign country’.
On BBC1’s Question Time, Professor Mary Beard dismissed stories about the number of migrant workers overwhelming Boston as ‘myths’ and said ‘public services can cope’.
But Rachel Bull, an office manager in Boston, who  was in the audience, immediately challenged the Cambridge University classics professor, claiming hospitals and schools are struggling to cope in the Lincolnshire agricultural town.
Hovel: Filthy pots and rubbish are strewn around the covered area which serves as a communal living space, with scant protection from the elements
Well done Rachel Bull.
Oh how UK academics and politicians love to lecture us all on our selfish and bigoted attitude to immigration and preach to about us not being wicked and “racist” however – you will notice that it is not to their leafy lanes, posh neighbourhoods, ivory towers of academia and Belgravia apartments that these chancers come to live in.
No, it is to the council housing and, nowadays, the 3rd sector housing associations, originally intended for young working class Brits, that house them, along with the cheap end of the private rental sector – where these interlopers almost always seem to take priority over our own needy young people.
I might have respect for all these academics, politicians of all parties, and toffy-nosed liberals when they practice what they have preached to us for the last 50 years and are actually sharing their spacious 4, 5 and 6 bedroom homes with several immigrant families or put these people up indefinitely, in their 2nd or 3rd homes! 
Come on, you lot, we working class Brits. have done our bit – now it is your turn! 
How many refugees from Bulgaria and Romania can we fit into Buckingham Palace, for example, and Windsor Castle, Sandringham,  etc.
Chequers, lets squash a whole load of Bulgarians and Roma gypsies into there and see how the PM and his family and staff like it!  It is a country estate so there is plenty of room for numerous caravans and trailers.  Once the place is filled with weird cooking smells, drenched in water from their strange toilet and washing rituals, the silver and garden ornaments go walkies, the gazebo gets chopped up for fire wood and the pheasants, swans and geese mysteriously vanish along with all the fish in the lake!  Then we might see reality dawn on them!
The mess left at beauty spot Haldon Hill, near Exeter Racecourse, which gypsies illegally inhabited for 18 month

Friday, January 18, 2013

UK Column Live - 18/01/13 Real UK News

Understanding The Third Way

by Niki Friedrich Raapana, 8/30/01
President Bush set aside the Faith-Based Initiative after it died on Capitol Hill, quickly replacing it with the Values-Based Initiative.  Bush understands modern governance requires endorsing stronger community morals.01

With all the special problems facing humans in the 21st century, Bush agrees with ex-President Clinton that we must embrace a utopian ideology called Building Liveable Communities. Designed to create a grassroots, morality based, civil society, it's also referred to as the Third Way.1

All Third Way government plans endorse international capacity building. Assessing and mobilizing community capacity is the final solution to inequality. It will create a better quality of life, for everyone. The ultimate goal of the Third Way is to eradicate world poverty by the year 2020.2

Sounds like a tall order, but the futuristic policy of liveability can be achieved if we all work together to build a more responsive community that puts the needs of the collective first. If Americans put aside selfish individualism, everyone in the world is guaranteed a job and a home on a healthy planet.3

A Third Way government must assert judicial control over natural resources.  Third Way laws that govern natural resources cannot be limited to land, water, plants, and animals, because people are resources too. Enlightened consumers who contribute to the community are vital human capital; all non-contributors are potential hidden assets in need of an intervention.4

And interventions are at the very heart of Third Way ideology.5

Government interventions performed for the good of the community began in undeveloped nations and American urban ghettos in the mid 1970's, as the Vietnam War to stop the spread of Asian communism ended.  In the 80's, after the Cold War to stop the spread of Russian communism, America expanded the role of soldiers to include international peacekeeping efforts.6

Calling the Army peacekeepers allowed the Department of Defence, DOD to share equipment and technology with the Department of Justice, DOJ.  In 1994, Congress passed the Violent Crime Act, and ex-President Clinton gave DOJ director Janet Reno 8 billion dollars to create a bureau of local police, called Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). By 1996, COPS
placed over 100,000 officers nationwide, granting a $5000 bonus to communities for each COP they enlisted having at least 2 years prior military service.7

COPS' programs come with the COPS. COPS are an integral participant in helping citizens design U.N. and State legislatively mandated Neighborhood Plans, called Habitat/Localizing Agenda 21. COPS taught locals the "Broken Window Theory," and expounded on the rationale behind Communitarian Council founder, Professor Amitai Etzioni's, "The Limits of Privacy." 8

Participating residents were further indoctrinated to believe in ex-Vice-President Al Gore's National Partnership for Reinventing Government. They were convinced to use communitarian, utopian theory to define their vision of a safer, more moral community. As incentive, Gore's Safe Streets Initiative included hefty COPS funds for communities that would include COPS special pilot test programs in their neighbourhood  plans.9

Communitarians like Etzioni, Clinton, and George Bush Jr. insist individual rights are so harmful they require a balancing against the rights of the community collective. They say there's a dangerous tension between liberty and social order, and finding a peaceful solution mandates that reasoned deliberations must be replaced by moral dialogue.10

To the communitarians, argument and debate have no place in the creation of unconstitutional laws that support the new social order. Reasoned deliberations are disruptive and passionate, whereas moral dialogue is designed to reach consensus. Vigorous, open, public debate, so fundamental to America's founding fathers, is forbidden in a communitarian collective.11

Communitarians build moral bridges, not legal foundations.12

All Neighborhood Plans include a vision for building the character of the neighborhood, and encourage the local participants to identify the types of businesses, people, and behaviors that interfere with their vision. Some Neighborhood Plans include new enforcement procedures that help the community create and build a safer civil society.  These plans identify the particular problem people who spread disease, crime, and immorality.13

To rectify identified problems, FBI-COPS created Neighborhood Action Teams, NATS. NATS purpose is to find innovative solutions that will enable the community to address identified problems. Throughout the 90's, COPS combined forces with Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, using Neighborhood Plans to expand a communitarian based pilot program called Weed & Seed. Weed & Seed identifies the bad weeds and replaces them with good seeds. HUD distributes Community 2020 data software.14

In 1997, DOJ created the Crime Mapping Research Center, CMRC, giving out millions in DOD/DOJ high tech crime mapping grants to local governments  willing to use their communities to test expansion of Weed & Seed policy.  In 1999, DOJ created COMPASS, Community Mapping, Planning & Analysis for Safety Strategies, to help communities track problems using one main, combined, central, accessible database.15

By the year 2000, Building Livable Communities escalated into a military interventionist policy of controlling behaviors with armed force, represented best by Plan Columbia.  Columbia is one of the most unstable countries in the Western Hemisphere. Kidnappings are frequent, with victims
sold to and exchanged with unauthorized government soldiers. Still, the U.S./U.N. military help contribute to Columbia's quality of life. Mirroring the 1980's policies in El Salvador and Nicaragua, millions in American tax dollars are authorized by Plan Columbia for the US military to train and fully equip murderers/kidnappers with high tech weapons of death and destruction.16

Countries with a history of political instability and violence, (often a result of 20th century imperialist interventionist policies) are the preferred testing grounds for the most fascist aspects of the Building Community Capacity agenda. Even though historically people deprived of their civil liberties will often resist to the death, the majority of worldwide  rural peasants are much like the Chinese, the Cambodians, and the Vietnamese, i.e.: unarmed, peaceful, and effectively ruled by whoever holds the biggest guns.17

Now that the threat to world happiness is no longer communism, the Third Way can tackle the more humanitarian needs of the human spirit.18

International communitarian planners back the U.S. claims that drugs are the root cause of all crime and immorality. America's Drug War makes farming and harvesting of medicinal and/or recreational plants so bad that it warrants Blackhawk assault helicopter teams shooting at fields of pickers. Not in the United States of course, not against American citizens or farmers. But the
peasant growers of the world are not armed nearly the same way as Americans are, those arrogant, freedom loving descendants of the farmers who shot the pants off the British Imperialists in 1776.19

Without ever suggesting putting aside their own weapons, communitarian governments insist people defending themselves against invasions should give up their guns, to help create a nicer, safer world.  Good collective citizens also allow the Third Way government access to all their private information, so COPS can predict and prevent crime and war, before it happens. Civil citizens agree with the community agents coming to help them with career decisions and lifestyle choices, the core aspects of building capacity. Who else can be trusted to have enough information to determine exactly how people should contribute to the world collective?20

Not surprisingly, communitarians firmly believe gun ownership destabilizes a good society. Their preamble explains why the community government is the only group who should have guns. The communitarians plan to control crops and confiscate privately owned guns, worldwide. And, like Stalin and Pol Pot showed us, the government's use of guns will only be necessary in the
beginning, just until people learn their shared responsibility is: to only grow and consume products produced and approved by the collective.21

Many Americans, however, still cling to the outdated and harmful belief that protecting individual liberty is the law of their land, and their constitutional courts still support that notion.  Even with the success of the Drug War, the COPS can only swarm into U.S. neighborhoods with assault helicopters and tanks if there is an identified threat. While reports of drugs or dangerous citizens allow for Marshall Law, it's for a very limited time, usually only a few hours until the situation is resolved, (exceptions being FBI directed military actions like Waco, Ruby Ridge, and anti-WTO protest zones).22

Their Bill of Rights is plain and simply a barrier to fully implementing the agenda in the United States. It poses very special problems for the collective's plan to build international community based governments. It requires the combined efforts of thousands of academics with innovative
solutions. Unlike African nations or Columbia, America has restrictions to administering COPS' programs, especially the data gathering. The 2nd & 4th Amendments are two of COPS most difficult obstacles. Far too many law abiding Americans own guns, and it's difficult to get inside their homes.23

America is still a democracy. It has elected representatives and the right to bring issues before the public in Voter Sponsored Initiatives. But the federal courts can over-rule State Voter-Approved Legislation. This helps maintain the U.S. record for more Drug War prisoners per capita, than
anywhere else in the world. And now communitarian civil society groups, like 1000 Friends of Washington, are openly challenging rights of voters to initiate a ballot, suing those uppity, selfish, old-fashioned Americans who think they can use the initiative process to save their beloved

Regardless of the legal and constitutional barriers, the U.S. is moving ahead as if the barriers are already gone. In pilot programs across the U.S., COPS are gathering the data they require, with or without American's consent.  As the designated pilot program in Seattle shows, COMPASS doesn't need to comply with any of the federal rules that govern Human Subjects Research,
not as long as high ranking DOJ-COPS can be successfully placed.24

In 2000, Gil Kerlikowske, the D.C. Director of COPS' Grant Funding, was appointed Police Chief of Seattle, Washington. Corresponding to his arrival, Seattle was chosen as the first designated pilot site for COMPASS. Soon after, the Seattle Mayor's Office of Strategic Planning, SPO, expanded to control COMPASS, city housing inspectors, and neighborhood developers doing capacity building research.

In 2001, Seattle's SPO took control of COPS/NATS' Problem-Solving Partnerships, DOJ's preferred program of using collaborative efforts to identify, map, and mobilize local human resources for the community.25

Another pilot program that gathers socio-economic data is Asset Based Community Development, ABCD, based on "Mapping and Mobilizing a Community's Assets," by John McKnight. Promoted by the Institute for Policy Research at North-western University, ABCD is now its own institute.

ABCD was introduced to Seattle neighborhood groups in the summer of 2000, when ABCD co-author Jody Kertzman was invited to promote ABCD to interested community association members by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Seattle began offering ABCD seminars to small invited groups in June, 2001, barring ABCD-opposed citizens from attending.26

In October, 2001, CMRC in Denver, Colorado begins the first in a series of seminars designed to teach senior American law enforcement analysts to combine crime-mapping data with socio-economic data.  DOJ provides lists of the source opportunities for gathering the data into one world master file.

While participants in oppressed African nations give up their personal data willingly, American's data will be gathered secretly, independent of the rules under the Code of Federal Regulations, thus enabling the U.S. to participate fully in all aspects of Third Way development programs in the future.27

The End

01: * The Washington Post, 7/29/01, "Bush Plans Values-Based Initiative to
Rev Up Agenda," by Mike Allen.

      * S. 2952: Faith-Based and Community-Based Organizations in Housing
and Community Development Act of 2000 (Introduced in the Senate), 106th U.S.
Congress, 2nd Session,

1:   * The Washington Post, 02/01/01, "Needed: Catchword For Bush Ideology;
Communitarianism Finds Favor,"
by Dana Milbank.

      * The Third Way: Summary of the Nexus on-line discussion,

      * Mother Jones Magazine, 1994, "I or We?" by Michael D'Antonio, based
on an interview with Communitarian Council President Amitai Etzioni,

      * United Nations, Training and Capacity-Building Section: Strategy and
Activities, " capacity- building for management and
development of human settlements."

      * "U.S. Mayors Endorse Earth Charter," July, 2001, Part III: Social
and Economic Justice, "...Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and
environmental imperative."

      * The World Community Land Trust Proposal: 1974, EUTOPIA,`gaiajah/worldcomLnd.html

2:    * The Road to Sustainable Development, March, 1997, "A Snapshot of
Activities in the USA.. The President's Council on Sustainable Development,"  (this link provides 14 pages of laws,
institutions, organizations, and activities)

      * Center for Social Development, CSD, Projects,

      * Coalition for Low Income Community Development (CLICD),

      * The Roosevelt Neighborhood Plan, Seattle, Washington, 1999,

      * The Washington State Growth Management Act, 1990,

      * World Bank Group--Living Standards Measurement Study Household

      * World Bank Group, Poverty in Africa,

3:  * "Can the White House Help Catalyse Civic Renewal?"  Reinventing
Citizenship Project, A Proposal for a Civic Partnership Council," June,

      *The Responsive Communitarian Platform,`ccps/catel.html

      *Communitarian Family Policy Statement, prepared by Don Browning,
University of Chicago, Director of Religion, Culture and Family Project,

      *The Communitarian Preamble,

4:   *Community Toolbox, Part B Chapter 3 Section 8, "Identifying Community
Assets and Resources,"

      * The Critical Areas Code, Clallam County, Washington,

      * Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), Institute for Policy
Research, North-western University, Evanston, Illinois,  "A Path Toward
Finding and Mobilizing A Communities Assets," by John P. Kertzmann and
John L. McKnight,

      * Founding Endorsers of the Communitarian Platform, signed by John L.
McKnight, ABCD Program Director,

      * National Science Foundation and Department of Housing and Urban
Development, HUD Conference, July 10-12, 1995, sponsored by the National
Center for Geographical Information and Analysis (NCGIA), "Geographic
Information Analysis and Human Capital Research,"  "In it's 'strategic plan'
for the human capital initiative, the National Science Foundation (NSF,
1994) has recognised the practical importance of basic research into the
nation's human capital resources."

      * Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Research

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

UK Column Live - 10th January 2013

Looting and mass-murder in Syria is being financed by Britain.
Common Purpose in Libya - huh?
How to fiddle public money, here and abroad....... watch and learn.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cameron. Whose side are you on?

Dear Mr Cameron,

I am confused.  What is going on in our current foreign policy in Syria?
Please answer this question for me:
    Is Britain fighting Al Qaida terrorists or, are Al Qaida terrorists our allies? 
    It is quite simple - are we with them, or are we against them?

I ask this because of recent cuts to our armed forces, and the much closer alliance we now have with France, militarily and in defence, etc.
The Franco British Defence Treaty:
Here are some articles from the news which describe how Britain and our close ally, France, support Al Qaida directly and/or indirectly in Syria against President Assad:
“..France has emerged as the most prominent backer of Syria's armed opposition and is now directly funding rebel groups around Aleppo as part of a new push to oust the embattled Assad regime. 

Large sums of cash have been delivered by French government proxies across the Turkish border to rebel commanders in the past month, diplomatic sources have confirmed. The money has been used to buy weapons inside Syria and to fund armed operations against loyalist forces.
The French moves have stopped short of direct supply of weapons – a bridge that no western state has yet been willing to cross in Syria. But, according to western and Turkish officials as well as rebel leaders, the influx of money has made a difference in recent weeks as momentum on the battlefields of the north steadily shifts towards the opposition.
Some of the French cash has reached Islamist groups who were desperately short of ammunition and who had increasingly turned for help towards al-Qaida aligned jihadist groups in and around Aleppo…”

Al-Qaeda Joins the Syrian Rebellion:
‘..Now, the entrance of al-Qaeda onto the scene threatens to push Syria toward outright civil war. Moreover, the presence of al-Qaeda inter-mixed with Syrian rebels bring to mind the scenario recently played out in Libya in which the armed opposition, trained and equipped by NATO, consisted of a motley and nefarious hodgepodge of Islamists, former regime supporters and al-Qaeda insurgents.
In fact, other similarities to the Libyan campaign come to mind with the increasing role that NATO is playing behind the scenes of the conflict. According to Israeli intelligence sources, NATO, in conjunction with Turkey’s Military High Command, is already drawing up plans to arm rebels with “large quantities of anti-tank and anti-air rockets, mortars and heavy machine guns…”’
Syrian rebel group that is an affiliate of al-Qaeda in Iraq appears on the verge of over-running a Syrian airbase:
“…According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the offensive at Taftanaz, an airbase near the road that links the Syrian cities of Idlib and Aleppo, is being led by the Nusra Front, which the US State Department designated a terrorist organisation last month.
Ahrar al-Sham, another rebel group that, like the Nusra Front, wants to establish an Islamic state in Syria, is participating in the offensive, according to its internet postings.
A US State Department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, offered an upbeat assessment of the rebel advance on Thursday, saying the likely takeover of the base was a sign the abilities of the ''armed opposition'' were growing.
She did not acknowledge in her remarks the assault on the base was spearheaded by the Nusra Front. State Department spokesmen did not respond to later requests for comment…”

However, I understand that France and another of our allies, the USA, are now supporting Mali in West Africa, in their fight against Al Qaida!!!
Please explain this contradictory situation.
       French bombing campaign because “the existence of Mali was at stake,”

“…For months U.S. officials have been involved in discussions with leaders from France, Mali, and neighboring West African countries about the best way to proceed militarily against the Islamist extremist groups who seized the northern half of the country last April…”

This article states that America’s reason for entering this fight is because ‘the jihadists are accused of human rights abuses such as enlisting child soldiers and stoning to death women accused of adultery as they enforce a strict interpretation of Sharia law,’ appalling barbarity which must be stopped but surely this will happen in Syria too, if Al Qaida win against President Assad, yet the British Government and its allies support this?  Why? 

Whose side is Britain really on?  Why are we, in close allegiance with France, fighting extremists in one country while supporting the same extremists in another?  The regime in Syria has not been the worse in the world, it has been relatively reasonable, if somewhat stagnant, and has respected its Christians and Jews?  The base of the Christian Orthodox Church has always been in Damascus.  Why do you, and Presidents Obama and Sarkozy, behave in this peculiar, contradictory manner in relation to Mali and Syria?  Is it wise for Britain to support violent, Islamic psychopaths who hate Christians and murder them wherever and whenever they can, and who are determined to turn Syria into Hell for our Christian brothers and sisters?  Something stinks in our foreign policy with Syria! 

Yours sincerely, 

The Angry Cheese.